Individual Sector

Individual Sector


No one should be born, live or die as an orphan ever again.

Could it be done?  As humans, perfection is not the lot for us in our imperfect existence. But, despite frailties – both physical and psychological – which have descended us not uncommonly into abysmal lives, strengths – stuffed and sealed both in decency and resilience – have pulled us out, often enduringly so, to glory.  Annals of history, from prehistorical times to the present attest to it.  The disciplined life in the overwhelming majority of all, despite the overpowering obsessions of greed, cruelty and lust in our blood, speaks volumes in the nobility in us, to us ourselves and to one another. We, particularly in the international civil service cadres, have long counted on it, while not ruling out egregious setbacks en route, in making the dream – the objective captioned above – an ascending, but increasingly reaching reality.

What is its rationale?

Emerging thoughts from the depths of one’s heart, in humankind’s desperate struggle for ensuring dignity in life – individually for each, collectively for all – could change our world. The submission herein on it, before you, my beloved reader, is formulated within the context of the writer’s own working life (with abler colleagues), for over quarter of a century in the World Bank – an institution that has existed and withstood the test of time, for extending, even against all odds, decency in life for everyone:

Inherent within the proposal above is a bottom-up reversal in institutional focus. It raises serious issues in the customary top-down approach which shows an obsession with broader (local, state/higher) concerns – hoping for benefits of undertakings to trickle down to all, reaching sooner or later, the bottom layers. On the other hand, the included, added, direct downside-up approach proposed – begins, in benefit distribution – importantly from the bottom: the poorest of the poor first, moving up methodically across echelons (on need-based parameters), while diluting purposely societal stratifications, but reaching and enveloping finally all, including the richest of the rich. (The rich or powerful are also sheltered {contingently so} as no one among us is immune from falls, illness, missed heartbeats, death and decay.) It, the elements of the proposal in aggregation, is targeted to upgrade programmatically (with environmental impetus) the livability of our habitat, for all of us and for generations that follow us, hopefully well into the future.


What:  Establish an “Individual Sector” on an equal footing (on impact, not size) with the existing “Private” and “Public” spheres of the world’s economy

Contextually, the world’s worth is estimated, from a practical standpoint, at 1 quadrillion ($1,000 trillion) in constant 2007 US dollars (annul income, estimated at 10% of the base, yields $100 trillion).  The estimated equivalent of it in 2017 dollars is $2 quadrillion (income at $200 trillion; which includes an upward 1: 2 adjustment to published estimates of IMF/World Bank, for (a) correcting the exchange rates for value equivalency and (b) unaccounted floats that results from understatement of income for tax evasion and the printing of money: official or counterfeited). To anchor our estimates, we went back to 2007 as largely the base because “printing of money”, without value addition, has become commonplace, even in the United States, stemming from the 2008 financial crisis. (Sources and Application of Funds should become an integral part of income statements, at all levels: individual, private and public).

We believe 10% of the resources or $100 trillion ($10 trillion income), to be taken out from the existing private and public sectors, should go into the newly created Individual Sector.  It is the estimated requirement to ensure fundamental dignity in the lives of all.  The equivalents in 2017 dollars would be $200 trillion and $20 trillion (worth/capital and income respectively).  In leaving out nominal values, it underscores the policy decision that the capital/income of the Individual Sector is to be held at 10% of the world’s worth/income, in perpetuity.

For its sustainability, eligibility for the benefits is to be earned, except a safety net for the weak/infirm. Assessment of $1,000/year (average, at 10% of one’s income) could yield (at 1: 10 return) $10,000 (or $500,000 over 50 years in adulthood), in constant 2007 values or $20,000 ($1,000.000 over the same period) in 2017 dollars).

It is yours to keep! The Programming and Budgeting Processes, conceived by Robert McNamara while teaching at Harvard and, implemented later in the World Bank (1968-1981), could help achieve it. To ensure dignity in life – the raison d’etre of our movement – (preventing simultaneously the collapse of capitalism), the benefits (1:10 yield expected over 50 years) would be the same for everyone: $1million expected, in 2017 dollars, over a typical lifetime (irrespective of the absolute levels of assessment), under the terms as set. It enshrines equality within the Sector.

At issue, perhaps here, is the equality in the return when the respective assessments vary widely, often exponentially so, from person to person.  It is intended, actually happened to be the main reason for launching the “Individual Sector.”  It will correct the gross anomalies that exist today, not retroactively to decades or centuries, but only in the future, beginning now. As set out, it is a bloodless revolution, which ironically is also to the benefit of almost all, if not so for all.

Why:  Without an Individual Sector (within which wealth/income, held at 10% of the global resources is shared equally on per person basis that includes all on earth), we cannot expect realistically, the dawn of an economy, which could help guarantee dignity in life for each and, bring about the conditions (critically as well) in which individuals themselves can better realize their own inherent potential. Benefits accrue directly to individuals, but only discretionarily so, through them to entities. It is so because only the minimum is taken out, to create sufficiency in return, and it belongs totally to people, tax exempt as well, for full distribution of the proceeds.

Let us look at income distribution in the existing economy.  1% of the richest adult population (per capita net worth of $1,000, 000 or more) own 50% of the world’s wealth.  In correlation, 70% of the, adult population (per capita net worth under $10,000/one-hundredth of the former) own 3% of the global wealth (source: Global Wealth Report 2017). The poorest 10% make less than $3.00/day (Rs. 200), the low income 60%, at the next level, earn under $15.00 (Rs. 1,000/day). The richest 10 have combined wealth of 1 trillion (rounded), more than the GDP of many countries. Woven into it is the increase expected in world population (from 7 to10 billion by 2050), and the 70% increase needed for sufficiency in food production by then. Unless steps are taken timely to address the consequences of the aforementioned, what is to happen could dwarf the French Revolution (social and political upheaval (1789-1790).  Whether such a cataclysm is imminent or not, our consanguinity (not discounting enlightened self-interest) dictates a new environment.

How: Organize the worldwide movement: “Universal Inheritance Services” (UIS), its rationale being pinned on the belief (and assertion) that all natural resources of our habitat belong to each of us individually (equally and inalienably so, on per capita terms) and, collectively to all. It is to be pulled out of the private and public sectors (capped at 10% of the global wealth), through the assessments (stated earlier).  All are assessed (under the sanction of law): people, businesses, charities, and, even the government and international organizations (no exceptions allowed). First 10 years of assessment (monthly) go mainly into the capitalization of UIS; subsequent assessments (in perpetuity) would be allocated, as appropriate, in tranches to maintain capitalization requirements or to operations (mainly in investments for funding the benefits).  All funds, whatever be the source, are held /disposed via the Individual Sector (IS), it being the practical arm of UIS.

Get it going, hopefully with the involvement of the World Bank (operations) / IMF   (fiduciary function). Organized, at suggested three tiers: (a) 100,000 local units of 100,000 people each; (b) 11,110 networks of them, at four ascending/consolidating grouping levels (starting from slots of 10,000 of them (level 1) to 1,000 (at level 2), 100 (at level 3), 10 (at level 4); and, (c) the central setup, at the apex, which together total to 111,111 units. It constitutes the functional coordination to reach each of us individually, leaving no one out, as it encompasses our entire habitat, which also brings together simultaneously all the countries of the world, for our individual welfare and common good, under one umbrella.. Unlike pension, remittances could begin at age 30 and continue for life (e.g.: $20,000/year, in 2017dollars, purchasing power parity of $10,000 to 2007, adjusted yearly for cost of living.

Make the rationale of it and its benefits known universally; seek community based support in setting up the units (mainly with membership subscriptions at the cost of one main meal/yearly); canvass Individual Sector politically in the electoral process; and, introduce bills to enact them into law, as appropriate, mainly for funding the capital and commencing operations. When the first unit is established with 100,000 membership (no restriction, at least initially, for congruous boundaries:  membership may include anyone from any part of the world), we will know we have the proposal off the ground! May you, yourself, begin it? We are here for comfort.

In moving forward, no one waits for no one. The setup allows for it, as units/countries may work independently, on a federal structure, within the underlying UIS principles, while including increasingly all into the union. One unit perhaps at a time, across countries from one end to the other, Universal Inheritance/Individual Sector is to become the reality for all:  in the community, state, country, and all nations of the world. The struggle for it will be endured until the objective is reached (failure is not an option). The tryst with the destiny is ours.

Table of Contents: Individual Sector (IS)


Home Page

Contact Us

Universal Inheritance Services (UIS) / Individual Sector (IS), (summation)

Our Enduring Values

Code of Ethics

Website Sections:

Section A: P&B, Your Participation, Purpose

Section B: Valid Thoughts, UIS, Movement, Getting It Done

Section C:  Quick Review


Section D:  Individual Sector (IS), Main Text:

Welcome (follows the trail World Bank blazed)

Moving Forward

Getting Grip

Getting the Proposal Off the Ground

Universal Inheritance: Implementation

Programming and Budgeting Processes



Table 1:  10-year Pay-in Period (2028-2037)

Table 2:  20-year Pay-in Period (2028-2047)

Key Assumptions

UIS Contextual References


Off We go

Responses: First Set of Inputs (draft website)


Founding Member:  Invitation


Home Page

Individual Sector (Website:

Objective:  No one should be born, live or die as an orphan ever again. The endeavor is to create the conditions in which individuals themselves can better realize their own inherent potential. This is so without ignoring a safety net for the physically weak and/or mentally infirm.  Its reach and scope are unprecedented in the annals of human history.

Strategy:  Introduce the overarching theory of Universal Inheritance (which constitutes the Individual Sector), promote it universally, and enact the bill of its requirements into law, which apply equally to all peoples and all nations, and cover our entire planet, without exclusions.

Universal Inheritance (UI):  The proposal sets aside one-tenth of the world’s worth/income, in perpetuity, for the common benefit of all in a trust (capitalized), the income of which (mainly through productive, environment-friendly  project investments) is to be distributed equally to each and all, monthly for life, who have reached eligibility for the receipt of the benefits.

Individual Sector (IS): In implementing the proposal above, the “Individual Sector” comes into being, holding in trust all the funds associated with UI, with fiduciary responsibility both for the capital, and the income derived from it, as stated above, mainly through the investments. The accounts are to be kept, specifically and individually, for each of us, which in aggregation should match the funds capitalized for UI and, the income generated from it, for the distribution of the benefits.

While conceiving “Universal Inheritance” (Individual Sector within it), the thrust of this endeavor moves to the launching of an all-out, no-holds-barred struggle to bring the inheritance an actuality, within the first half of the present century, for the benefit of all, leaving no one out.  Reiterating (from World Bank and Beyond: Memoir and a Proposal):  “The inheritance may be defined as what we own in common, which is the natural resources of our habitat – the Earth.  A per capita share of the sum total of its worth belongs to each and every one: man, woman or child.  The endowment is so with primary inalienable title to each, solely on the grounds of one being born into this world, and being alive.  It will bring added meaning to “democracy” and teeth to the concept “equality of opportunity.”  Its acquiescence is a moral obligation of humankind.  We owe it to ourselves and to each other as we solemnly affirm the consanguinity of the membership of the human family.  As we move together – with steady steps and unwavering heart – it is to be the law of the land – the locality, the country and, all nations of the world.”

Rationale:  All natural resources of the world belong, inalienably so, to the people, to us the living:  man, woman, child (allowing no exclusions), to be protected and bequeathed from generation to generations. True, these are presently held, exclusively so in most cases, either privately or publicly. Whatever be their genera, such acquisitions mostly have questionable bona fides. Regardless, credit is due for creativity and hard work that went into value addition, in the enrichment of the worth/utility of our habitat. Taking the above into account, we are leaving 90% of the world’s worth in the existing private and public spheres, generously so, and taking out only 10% to create the new Individual Sector. The creation of it is indispensable, anchored not entirely in our consanguinity as humans, but significantly as well for ensuring the viability and functioning of the economy, for individual welfare and common good, while minimizing wars and major upheavals.

Contact Us

July 28, 2018

Hi There,

We are looking forward to hearing from you, for bringing in your suggestions  for laying the foundation of our newly conceived Universal Inheritance Services (UIS) organization.

It is to reach out to wipe every tear from every eye (this heart-rending involvement can never be over).  But, the Individual Sector (IS), setup within UIS – its practical arm – is expected to give the thrust to move us forward.  Whatever we achieve belongs to all, without exceptions.

Getting back, the draft of the document, when completed, is to be circulated to you again for your additional inputs, God willing, prior to its formalization.  This website ( is to be used to this end, as we broaden and deepen our reach, encompassing our habitat.

An initial draft of the document went to a few who have associated closely with us.  Please see excerpts from the first set of responses received, within only a few hours of dispatch, at the end of the website, preceding the Founding Member Invitation.  Kindly note that the invitation, at the end, is in the  prescribed form, for communicating to us your willingness/consent for being a “Founding Member” of the Movement.

In the formative phase of our endeavor, our ability to reach you – individually and personally – couldn’t be expected to come before end-December 2021You can, however, be a full partner with us from the beginning, in this epoch-making movement, geared to bring about a truly functioning democracy in our lives.  P&B will rely on your knowledge, skills, independence and integrity in making the Movement a success. Kindly pursue the guidelines in the webpages that follow.

Stanley Cleetus Panickaveetil                                                                                      Programming and Budgeting Corporation (P&B)                                                          (acts as a catalyst for setting up Universal Inheritance Organization  and creating the Individual Sector)

P. O. Box 229,  Kensington, MD  20895, USA                                                                          Email:


Universal Inheritance / Individual Sector (summation)

In a nutshell, it is what each of us inherit at birth: the rights and privileges of life: to live productively, peacefully and happily with the rest. It includes an equal per capita share (in dollars and cents) in the totality of the natural resources of the world: air, water, land and everything else (energy/space)that is included in the biophysics of our habitat.

We, the people, declare and affirm unequivocally that an equal share of the sum total of the natural resources/worth belongs to each of us: man, woman or child. The endowment is so, with primary inalienable title to each, solely on the grounds of one being born into this world and being alive.

Importantly, it becomes a productive, income earning, asset as rent is due on ownership of it to each of us from the world at large. Although the income of  it could amount only to $1,000 annually per person (in 2007 US dollars), UIS managed investment of it (as proposed), in line with the World Bank approach to it in its golden era (1968-1981), could yield for each beneficiary, returns totaling to $500,000 in 2007 dollars ($1,000,000, its estimated equivalent in 2017 dollars), over a distribution period of 50 years (which is the average expected life span, after reaching the eligibility for receiving the benefits).

Eligibility to it is reached, after having contributed 10% of one’s earnings/income over a period of 10 years (40 quarters). (Alternatively, eligibility to it could be reached when the estimated equivalent of it could be paid in, in lump sum, or on a set schedule, provided it is carried out at age 65 or over).   Nevertheless, contribution to the fund, at the same rate (10%), would have to continue unabated to end-life. Assuming equal life expectancy (for explanatory purpose), the benefit would be the same for all those eligible for the same (respective) periods, regardless of the absolute levels of their individual contributions.

The question that begs an answer at this point is the rationale behind “equal per capita distribution of benefits” while the capital being raised through the assessments (which through investments generate the yields.) could vary widely from person to person.  Evidently, it is the correction intended in the economy, to alleviate, to a reasonable extent, the gravely anomalous existing situation. Inversely, if the economy were socially just (e.g., as in Scandinavian countries), the urgency for the creation of the new sector could have been less.

Though we believe all natural resources come fully (100%) under the purview of Universal Inheritance, only 10% of the world’s worth  is taken/levied to create it, leaving 90%, the lion’s share, to the status quo (in the private and public spheres). We attribute it generously to value addition, on account of man-made facilities/applications, not overlooking creativity and hard work that went into it, in harnessing nature’s bounty for our use.

We have agreed it to be so, in spite of the inestimable value of Natural Resources {NR} vis-à-vis Manmade Enhancements {ME}, as weighted recognition is accorded to the actually limited/ fractional NR inputs in products/services, leaving the bulk (NR) still in the in-exhausted  base, despite its irreplaceable dilution/degradation.

For us, commitment for protecting/nurturing the base {NR} comes, irreversibly so, with the ownership right to it. Accordingly, UIS project investments are to be targeted largely to it.

What is Individual Sector (IS)?  Well, the world’s economy now consists of only two spheres: the Private and Public Sectors. In other words, the wealth (income as well) is held either privately or publicly, which together in a haphazard manner (hardly an ideal allocation/distribution) account for 100% of the resources. It is left (not justified substantially) at the command/discretion of the respective parties.

But, with the conceptualization of the Individual Sector, we are adding a new sphere, dividing as well the world’s economy into three spheres. It (the new sector) is to crystallize and bring about the means, to be set aside exclusively, for ensuring hopefully, basic decency/dignity in the lives of all, no exceptions.

It is forged as a critical tool in the implementation of Universal Inheritance; beginning from its legislative agenda and organization to capitalization and operations. 10% of the world’s wealth, coming out of the existing private and public sectors, is expected to be sufficient, over the years, mainly for the the  capitalization of IS.  Making the funds so accumulated in a trust for investments, the course is chartered to reach the  yields, at the levels set (mostly from the projects: selected,  carefully evaluated, approved and implemented expeditiously, within the given time frame) .  Only the yields of which (not the principal/capital)  would be utilized to fund the financial and operational programs, and the administrative budget of the Universal Inheritance Organization (UIS), the parent setup of Individual Sector (IS).

Kindly note that the capital for IS  is to be raised through an across the board  assessment of income,  at the source, from  all  (people/entities), under the full sanction of the law of the respective jurisdictions/countries. The total is to be broken down, entered specifically, and accounted for in its entirety, in the individual accounts of the respective assesses (barring entities).  Only an organization of the highest moral stature that exists today – either the World Bank or IMF – in P&B’s  opinion – could be entrusted with its fiduciary responsibility (until UIS, of course, established itself as a fully functioning entity). The funds are pooled together and invested, for bringing in the returns for the distribution of the benefits.

But, In raising/holding the funds, let no one believe that P&B would canvass for it to benefit from it, or keep any part of it, in its pocket. All funds, totaling to 100%, are to be held in one’s own individual accounts.

In setting up the Universal Inheritance Services Organization (UIS), for creating the Individual Sector (IS), the requirements foreseen include 111111 units, in three major groupings (local units, networks, and the central unit ).  It divides up the total world population, stabilized hopefully at 10 billion, into 100,000 units of 100.000 people each (local units); the networks (the grouping of local units, at the first, second, third and fourth tiers follow (10,000, 1,000, 100, 10 units respectively); and, the core setup (1 central unit, encompassing the locals and the networks) at the final tier, completes it.

UIS Organization reflects a mass movement, at all conceivable fronts, that encompasses our entire habitat for the establishment of the Individual Sector. The union of all countries under one umbrella could be a gradual process, extending perhaps decades. As localities come under one banner, the jurisdiction, functioning of UIS, widens, in its unity.  Leaving anyone out is not an option.

The struggle on it begins here, with the launching of our drive for “founding members” of the world-wide setup of the local units.  Each founding member of a unit is encouraged to help the membership of his/her constituency to become “founding members’ themselves of new/emerging units, without relinquishing their  basic membership of the respective original units.

Capitalization of UIS, through IS, is estimated at $100 trillion, or 10% of the world’s estimated worth of $1 quadrillion ($1,000 trillion), in constant 2007 US dollars / $2 quadrillion (in constant 2017 US dollars). The corpus of IS ($200 trillion, in 2017 dollars), at 10% of the world’s worth, is not expected to be diluted or “expensed,” as only the income of it could be utilized (largely so) to distribute the benefits (up to $20 trillion annually), graded  gradually, to reach the indicated $ 20 trillion level, when UIS becomes fully functional.  Diligently borrowed funds, securely invested (that parallels Eugene Rotberg’s record in the World Bank) could help us to reach the levels as set.

The relationship between IS and the world’s worth is to be maintained at 1:10 ratio, indefinitely, until changed consciously. All the figures given are to be adjusted, as appropriate, to establish true value (taking inflation/deflation out), as the World Bank has done for years, to determine mainly the real value of its increased activities over the respective periods under review. The thrust of it also has ensured tenfold yield on project investments (on average), over a period of 50 years, in constant prices.


Bearings: Key Points

  • We believe and assert that ownership of natural resources belongs in the birthrights of all persons living.  Our consanguinity (much less, even ordinary civility) dictates an equal  per capita share of its total to each of us – man, woman or child, barring exclusion.  On bread and butter issues, democracy means little without it.
  • Although the aforementioned endows:  upon each of us, the title to the share individually and, to us all, the title to all the shares collectively,  simultaneously so,  there is no need for any transaction/deed  to take place as it is legitimized, self-evidently so,  universally.  Consequently,  all our existing ownership titles, except those within the Individual Sector, become null and void (these are transformed, automatically, to certificates of holding/tenancy.
  • Since we the people own all natural resources ( globally so, without regard to national borders), it is extracted and accumulated from the base of all wealth, which includes both natural resources and, its secured value addition (achieved through human efforts).
  • In short, the transfer from the base is actually an assessment by us on us for us ourselves. It is earmarked  exclusively for the Individual Sector, to create its corpus.  The principal is invested in projects, after targeted screening  for the selection of high impact, exceptional environmentally sound socio-economic projects. They become our projects, and the yields from them  are held initially in the Individual Sector, and made available subsequently for distribution to us.
  • Given the expected expertise on projects (in conjunction with the World Bank/IMF), sufficient yields could be earned from the investments.  The proceeds of which would be available for distribution  to those  who reached/have eligibility (under safety net) for the benefits.   These are to be  utilized mainly as seed money for self-help/ basic needs  or for availing the opportunities, at one’s own discretion, for the betterment of life.
  • The distribution to each of us would be the same, regardless of the level of the respective assessments for creating (maintaining as well) the Individual Sector and, running its operations. The consequential shift in the overall economy  is expected to stabilize the lopsided social equilibrium.
  • We affirm:  People collectively have supremacy (endowed so, without impairing inalienable individual rights) over all entities on earth (governmental or otherwise), and could declare, on our own authority, the creation of the conditions for the needed environment – with the full sanction of the law – for  enabling us to live  in dignity, leaving no one out, no matter what.
  • The per capita share, held in a trust within the Individual Sector, in fact becomes a  stable income-accruing asset. Its accumulation comes in the form of rent due to each, upon our respective individual shares, from the totality of the global natural resources.  Since natural resources go as inputs in all product/service outputs, the value of which could add up significantly, especially on account of the economy’s expected accelerated growth over the years,  the corresponding increase would be reflected within the global wealth/income.  All we attempt here is its quantification and transfer to the newly created individual sector.
  • The funds for the capitalization of the new sector, of course, comes out of the existing private and public sectors.  Note that the value of human efforts is left, in tact, in the private and public spheres.  They, together with the Individual Sector,  are to constitute the global economy, in the new environment.  It by itself doesn’t change immediately, of course, the worth of global wealth/income.
  • Importantly, however, it is to be carried out to create the corpus of the Individual Sector, perhaps over a period of several decades .  It is our moral compass of fairness; which could, in addition to expanding the economy substantially over the decades,” create the conditions  in which “individuals themselves can better realize their own inherent potential.”
  • Extreme care and discipline are warranted here, as the corpus of the Individual Sector is to be maintained at one-tenth of the global wealth in perpetuity.  It   entails that the corpus is to be held in a trust, its level increased/adjusted to correspond the growth (hopefully) in world economy and, only the income of which could be utilized for required allocations for creating the new environment in which all of us benefit in building up our lives.  Funds borrowed prudently (on UIS equity) and invested wisely (with yields a few percentage points above the borrowing costs), could be of great significance in reaching the goals.
  • UIS projects come into the picture.  In it we intend to follow the World Bank trail in the selection and approval of projects, its costs and benefits, and the time frame for implementation – utilizing fully the programming (making matters actionable) and budgeting (decision support in allocations) processes. The Bank’s peerless record, in its diamond-studded era, speaks for itself.
  • Unlike pension/social security, regular income from the trust could begin as early as at age 30 (for life).  And, unlike the other plans, benefits received have no proportionality to the levels of the respective contributions/assessments.  Given the same terms (e.g., period of participation), it would be the same for everyone, from the richest to the poorest.  One may pay into it at 10% of the  earnings, be it at $100,000 or $1,000 (on average) annually over 50 years, in the base 2007 dollars.  The expected return would be the same in both cases, at tenfold of the average assessment, totaling to $500,000 in 2007 dollars, or $1,000,000 ( adjusted for inflation, in 2017 dollars), assuming life expectancy at 80, matching as well the World Bank’s estimated project yields, in its golden era.
  • In the era, we discounted nominal denominations in currency, pinning and stating our figures/analyses in constant values (e.g., in year-to-year comparisons and in the decisions based upon them, keeping price fluctuations  attributed to inflation out).  We will, by all means, follow the same approach (nominal values,however, cannot be thrown out, as they are needed in side-by-side comparisons, to bring out their impact on our lives.
  • There is an in-built advantage for sharing fairly in the wealth,  given the bounty also of our planet (if you do well, I will benefit from it as well; the inverse is true too).  Individual Sector will make it explicit to us (in the equal distribution of the benefits within it)
  • Individual Sector, by any intended definition of the term, is not a charity.  It earns its keep.  We will not raise money by depending on anyone’s generosity.
  • (Believe it or not, P&B functioned, over three decades, without any recorded expenses in its books (all expenses have been absorbed by the principals as incidentals).  We will continue to do the same.)
  • In keeping its soul, in harmony with the spirit of the World Bank, all dues assessed, move to the trust, without deductions for any reason, whatsoever.  (As and when UIS become fully operational, funds for  fixed  assets (capitalized), and the administrative budgets (expensed) come mainly from the yields of project investments; all proceeds go in benefits to us, the people.)
  • As envisaged, the local units number 100,000, with targeted membership of 100,000 in each unit.  In their formative phase, for a period of five to ten years, before they are expected to become established, membership dues, not fixed (left to one’s ability/suggested), could be of help to us.
  • The emergence of just one unit (with 100,000-membership could be the first milestone for us).  When they duplicate themselves to ten, we could be well on our way to destination.  As they multiply and perpetuate, most things could fall in place.
  • In this regard, little else is more important than increasingly increasing growth  in membership, for making our dream of today the reality of tomorrow.  In the path to it, given justified circumstances, dual membership in two or more units may not be ruled out (e.g., work/residence/interest/responsibility in different locations, or even in the same location if one chooses to be a founding member of one unit and, regular in the other.
  • But when eligibility for the benefits is reached, membership is recognized only in the chosen/home unit.
  • Restriction on it could come in due course, when accurate records need to be kept, in determining the eligibility for the benefits/avoiding remittances duplicated.
  • Moving from formation to functionality, UIS membership becomes automatic at birth.
  • Having satisfied the requirements (including sanctioned assessment), any  unit could become functional to the extent possible, within UIS, having not held its responsibility in abeyance.  Functionality moves higher as and when more units come into the fold.
  • We are bringing the world together under one umbrella, while minimizing illegal immigration and hardships.
  • Regardless of the fortune or misfortune of one’s birth in the circumstances that existed (family, country, atmosphere …..), we recognize that we are in it together,  in helping to ensure for everyone, realizable opportunities for advancement, in the range of available options, to live in decency and dignity.
  • Only an equalization of the playing field is attempted here, as the resources extended are intended for the stabilization of life, while hard work/self-help continue to dictate the way for moving forward.
  • The scope of what we undertake is staggering: At 10% of the world’s wealth in the Individual Sector (estimated at $200 trillion (in 2017 US dollars), it is more than the total worth of any country in the world, except perhaps the United States (over the back of the envelope type computation).  When UIS becomes fully operational, it is likely to surpass all countries. But its corpus is kept at the minimum necessary, accumulated over a long period, to bring about the environment that is needed, for ensuring dignity in living for all, through  peaceful means, without the bloodied kind,  in the past.
  • We cannot acknowledge, without the deepest gratitude, the efforts of many in places, in all corners of the world, for ensuring decency for all , in living.   Many, especially in information technology, have called for basic assured income for all.  We will look forward to established links with them, in our common pursuit.
  • It is only the beginning in our anxiety to reach out to all.  No one could be left out. Nevertheless, let me list a few who could join hands with us, at this critical juncture of us, as we go public in our convictions (with the launching of the website). They include, naming a few: Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, and their non-US equivalents (social media); large scale data mining systems: Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and their counterparts, especially in China: Baidu, Tencent, Alibaba; Gates, HHMI (foundations); and, links with religious/educational or other public-or private entities.  No effort can be spared in working together  in our common effort to reach set time-bound goals.  In it everything is important. A drop of tear deepens an ocean!
  • The impact of the Senior Management of the Bank on what is to come has a deep-rooted bearing on what we do.  It goes beyond what could be encapsulated in words.  Leaving the most eminent among them out (Stern, Rotberg and Qureshi, for a more in-depth look, hopefully later), three giants – not in position but in function – stand out: Michael Ruddy (made budgeting the tool for decision making when nothing of the sort had existed, which in fact  propelled the Bank’s growth); Paul Bowron (made the impossible possible, as he  programmed the Bank’s operations , despite its unfathomable complexity and, reached/exceeded the goals; and, Toshi Kirubuchi (linked the two mathematically, which minimized authority-based faulty decisions, even long after his departure from the Bank. The indebtedness to them  is much in the attempted  completeness of our proposal.  Personally, I owe my heartbeats to them.
  • There is need to recognize a few more among the all-time greats who have had an impact in not having  the Bank settle for anything less than excellence (in commitment to performance and service).  Anticipating the worst while preparing for the best, they  carried the bulk of the burden on their shoulders.  The thrust it made, moved the layers of work fall in place, with  built-in concerted approach to ends, in all parts of the organization, which helped secure the Bank’s standing, at the time, as the preeminent development agency of its kind in the world.  It has a profound bearing on what is ahead. In it, from P&B, the distilled essence in the work came from John Blaxall (instituted the standard tables that encompassed all the activities of the Bank in one central place, and from Heinz Vergin (expanded the managerial  processes, and moved it to the summit of perfection: Expanded /instituted the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Monitoring, Evaluation and Control Processes, PPBMEC).

Our Enduring Values

“To have faith in the dignity and worth of the individual man as an end in itself; to believe that it is better to be governed by persuasion than by coercion; to believe that fraternal goodwill is more worthy than a selfish and contentious spirit; to believe that in the long run all values are inseparable from the love of truth and the disinterested search for it; to believe that knowledge and the power it confers should be used to promote the welfare and happiness of all men rather than to serve the interests of those individuals and classes whom fortune and intelligence endow with temporary advantage – these are the values which are affirmed by the traditional democratic ideology… They are the values which since the time of Buddha and Confucius, Solomon and Zoroaster, Plato and Aristotle, Socrates and Jesus, men have commonly employed to measure the advance or decline of civilization, the values they have celebrated in the saints and sages whom they have agreed to canonize.  They are the values that readily lend themselves to rational justification, yet need no justification.”

Carl Becker

Code of Ethics


  1. Health: Take care of oneself.  Little else is as fundamental a possession as health:  the psycho-social and physical faculties for existence.
  2. Morality:  Be morally strong.  It involves following (creating) the best traditions that build up our ethos: whether secular, spiritual or both.  Importantly, one must avoid at all costs building one’s life and happiness in the tears of others.  Compassion (putting oneself in the shoes of another) is the essence of morality.
  3. Equality: Treat everyone with regard and courtesy.  But one cannot bow one’s head with dignity to anyone out of compulsion: as it can be lowered involuntarily, but gracefully, only to one’s own conscience.
  4. Tolerance: Maintain decency in life as it begins with tolerance of others.  Extremism of the right or left is equally evil:  righteousness entails the understanding in depth of the problem and taking the best possible course and resolving the conflicts. It helps gaining/restoring the harmony or equilibrium in one’s own life and, equally as well, contribute towards it for others.
  5. Duplicity: Avoid double standards in one’s behavior.  Unfortunately, one is likely to overlook one’s own faults, attributing even the egregious acts – consciously or unconsciously – to extenuating circumstances – while being adamant on keeping the other person’s feet to fire had the individual done the same: self-indignation has precedence over that of it reserved for the rest.
  6. Consequence: Accept it – reward or suffering – of one’s own action.  Basically, actions and reactions are equal and opposite though the yields could vary exponentially one way or the other: for good or bad it is our lot in this world.
  7. Enlightened Self-interest: Appreciate its virtue to the extent it is actually needed for survival and progress.  But, beyond it, it is greed that transforms even heaven to hell:  nothing one could not bear or inflict on oneself should be imposed or inflicted upon another person.
  8. Mercy: Forgive all faults, but rectify the defects compassionately – proactively as well – through persistence, sparing no necessary pains.  Just as no one can honestly be punished criminally, no one can be permitted, justifiably either, to enjoy the fruits of ill-gotten wealth (possessions or pleasures of all stripes included): circumscribed so in the ubiquitous endeavor for the creation, protection and enjoyment of an atmosphere, within which we safeguard – not abridge – one  another’s right to live in peace and prosperity through honest means.
  9. Truth: Acquire knowledge for distilling it through discipline into wisdom, as within it only truth could triumph.  It is the path to happiness, ensuring fairness and equity for all – for a chance at living and growth for each, with the support of the community – within the consanguinity of the human family – but making all of us work hard cooperatively, as well as competitively, in healthy ways of dissension and agreement – to realize the most of the individual’s potential:  “frustration, tears, defeats and heartbreaks are the ingredients that go into success and glory.”
  10. Universal Inheritance Services (UIS)/Individual Sector : Insist, struggle and secure by all means one’s fundamental entitlement to: an equal share of our habitat (along with everyone else living) that constitutes the per capita equity in air, water, land and the outer environment around us:  inclusive of all  natural resources, within and across all existing national boundaries and, fully into non-territorial realm held commonly, internationally so;  the ownership (income as well) to it is inalienable, but limited over to one’s lifetime, not allowing any carryover of residual accumulation/interest (excess/unclaimed still remaining within UIS) to specified designee/account, as it would be absorbed within the common lot for all.  The total worth of it (all shares) is to be maintained at 10% of the world’s net worth (the income of which is to correspond also to 10% of the world’s gross product (value of all goods and services).  The wealth, underlying the assets, is to be held in the newly ordained “Individual Sector.”  The income of it that is generated mainly through project investments (to be spearheaded by the World Bank, at least initially for a few decades) is to be the seed money for creating decency in the livelihood for each and all (potentially and practically so), without distinction/discrimination.  It assumes the need of each of us for the income, but in case of forfeit, the associated funds are to be held within the Individual Sector, free and clear, for use at the person’s own discretion later in life (except as estate transfer upon death as stated before).  Although the inheritance is basically a gift upon birth, it is also a conditional bequeathal (only after reaching prescribed eligibility criteria) as its benefits can be realized only through one’s own best efforts.  It entails not only protecting and enhancing the capitalized value of the inheritance, but also for making it simultaneously a working asset for generating adequate income for the essential needs, not discounting its value as a hedge for ill fate.  It is integral to the endeavor to move us ahead en masse, in life’s mission and onto the path of happiness.


(Although the worth of natural resources is inestimable, its imputed value is held to a minimum, barely enough of a correction to plug deep holes in the system for too many for too long.   Note that the 90% lion’s share of the world’s worth is left in the existing private and public spheres, in heartfelt recognition – of the added value of man-made improvements to our existence.  We are consenting to it, calculatingly so, without underestimating the critical role of the “Individual Sector.”   It is to assume, hopefully before long, the function to build up the economy not only stronger, and the benefits fairer and squarer to all, but also to protect and nurture our habitat, transforming it into more livable for all now, and keep it so for generations to come, indefinitely.)


Note:  The Programming and Budgeting Processes of the World Bank, in years past, helped the Bank to realize/exceed its set time-bound goals , which IS will follow. What it entails is covered in the website of ours here: in sections A, B, C and,  in section D (main text).


 Website Sections:   A: P&B, Participation & Purpose; B: Valid Thoughts (UIS, Movement, Getting It Done) C: Critical Steps  (for quick review); and, D: Individual Sector (Main Text)


Section A

Programming and Budgeting Corporation (P&B):  The Maryland, USA Corporation was founded in 1988, for undertaking feasibility studies on worthwhile projects. The Corporation is expected to be a catalyst for the implementation of Universal Inheritance.  Conceptualization of the “Individual Sector,” within the inheritance, on parallel with the existing private and public spheres in the world’s economy, has given P&B its teeth. P&B being a public service entity (established nevertheless as a corporation to disassociate itself from a tax-exempt charity), has extended the concept of zero-based budgeting (no expenses are recorded in its books since its beginning in May 1988). Further, except in the beginnings of its first year, it neither solicited nor accepted any funding from any source. It is so in its  30-year history of existence. It will remain so.

Notwithstanding its genesis (directly or indirectly) within the World Bank, not overlooking as well its extended presence and struggle, P&B sadly made no taxying inroads in getting the project off the ground. Our hope and consolation, reiterating: “Frustration, tears, heartbreak and defeat are the ingredients that go into success.”

Persistence, with unwavering determination, is ahead. Creation of Individual Sector entails: Equity, Equality, Opportunity and Comfort (EEOC), while it links integrally individual dignity to common good. Just Government rests not on three pillars, but should solidly (truthfully so) on four: Representative Government, Rule of Law, Freedom of the Press and, (includes equally importantly), the Individual Sector. In getting it done, there is no conflict between the head and heart. It is so because wisdom in reality brings practicality and justice into their unity.

Your Participation: If you are at age 20 or above, consider becoming a founding member of Universal Inheritance Organization.  We, at P&B, are anxious to welcome you with a grateful heart.  Kindly recognize, before you decide, it is dedicated service for a noble cause, for an extended period (sorry to say, without compensation).  Benefits accrue individually (indirectly only) over a long period, in the uplifting of life for all.

At this point, may we urge you to think about the merits of our proposal to change the existing environment fundamentally, to ensure – not in abstraction but in reality – the dignity in life for each and all on this planet, from cradle to grave, with no exclusions, absolutely so. Even if you agree with us, multitude of questions crop up on its practicality or desirability vis-à-vis the existing scenario.

Is it within the reach of a lonely individual?  Certainly not if it is me (the author of this note) or a thousand others like me, not much at this magnitude will get done (I have struggled with it for 3 decades, with little to show for it, despite my inside track in the World Bank).  Realistically, the situation reverses if the individual, at the summit of an organization, happened to be Robert S. McNamara, Albert Einstein, or Nehru (but the greats among us are born rarely).  Even if we cannot secure the stewardship of such a person, notwithstanding what I have said about me, the caliber of people living now far exceeds our requirements. All of us together can make a difference in bringing the dream a reality.

If you share P&B’s belief on it, let us know your willingness to take charge of one of the 100,000 units, envisioned in the implementation of the project (such units in totality cover our global landscape). In the event, a caretaker assignment, under P&B umbrella (on first come first served basis) awaits you, assuming you are 20 or over.  Upon assumption of the office, you become “Founding Member of Universal Inheritance Services.”  For informing us of your agreement, use our Email: or Address: Programming and Budgeting Corporation, P.O. Box 229, Kensington, MD 20895, USA (see the form for communicating with us, at the end).


Section B

Valid thoughts once out cannot be canned

Universal Inheritance Services (UIS):  At the broader realm, it encompasses all, starting from the grassroots to the upper layers. It moves across national borders and continents, to bring and ensure dignity in the life of everyone, without, we dare say, any caveats.  The Individual Sector (IS) is an instrument within UIS that breathes life into the entire range of our activities. Our civility, basic in the consanguinity of the human family, is a precursor to it.  On it, we cannot overlook the finding that all of us – modern Homo Sapiens – trace our ancestry to Africa, to the extent our paleontologists and molecular biologists have ascertained. Moving from blood relationship to bread and butter issues, UIS goes below the skin and digs into the complex physio-psychological and socio-economical aspects of life. The struggle continues unabated until the balance in life – not unattainable perfection – is secured.

The Movement:  While setting priorities and reaching the weaker sections, targeting specifically the poorest of the poor first (e.g., no roof/address), our main concerns remain in focus. The centerpiece of them being the wellbeing of all, without stratification or exclusions.  Relating work to equity and income, while also bringing in the mentally-and or physically infirm under its umbrella, UIS sets its agenda to reach our objective before the end of the first half of the 21st century.  Ultimately, given the environment, success in reaching it can be predicated only through a protracted struggle. Accepting failure is not an option.  Beginning the efforts at the grassroots and, enveloping perhaps gradually all echelons of our existing structure, it is to encompass the entire world.

Getting it done:  Create the Individual Sector. It is the key to it. Where will we start, on all fronts? Before moving onto the wide arena, selecting places and making them into centers of activity is an option.  Such units when transformed into models, which others could emulate, our endeavor will have reached a milestone. Almost simultaneously, the movement could be extended vertically and horizontally, steadily so (even if only gradually), to encompass our habitat.  The aforementioned two-pronged strategy is intended to reinforce the thrust of the one on the other, among the different moves. Attuned into the voices at grassroots, and speaking the language of immediacy, the organizational setup at the required functional levels comes into being. Through it, the proposal takes its place hopefully in the platforms of the political parties. Subsequently, the needed bills are introduced in the legislatures. They, when enacted, become the laws of the respective communities, town, state, country and, eventually, the full fold of the nations.  Contextually, the underlying objective can be reached only through the support of peoples, en masse. Something that is made precious, through our combined efforts, which when made practical and appealing universally, floats on its own merits. It cannot be buried.


Section C:

Critical Steps (for quick review)

(a) Begin the movement: Initially start it locally, persuading one’s own family and friends to join it, not just for their participation, but for converting them into apostles of the mission. They in turn reach out to their own circles. The process repeats, again and again, to continue the momentum and cycle, ad infinitum. For the feel of the ground, link the overall objective to the solutions for local concerns (e.g. , in my own situation, saving Periyar, the lifeline river of the industrial seat of Kerala, India, at Aluva, in the Kochi {Cochin} metropolitan area).

(b)  Organize the structure:  Divide up the total world population, stabilized hopefully at 10 billion, into 100,000 units of 100.000 people each; the networks at the second grouping follow; and, the core group at the center, completes it.

(c) Set the capital:  Fund it at 10% of the world’s estimated worth in perpetuity; 10% of 1 quadrillion in 2007 US dollars, or $100 trillion. Its estimated equivalent in 2017 dollars equals to 10% of $2 quadrillion, or $200 trillion.

(d)  Raise the funds:  Capital formulation is to proceed and take hold over an extended period of several decades.  It is initiated basically through an across the board assessment of 10% of all income at the source.  It allows for no exclusions as the assessed includes all individuals and, all governmental and non-governmental entities:  including international organizations, charities, foundations, educational institutions and health care setups. Businesses are to be assessed at 10% of the net income before taxes, while non-profit groups are to be assessed 10% of their revenue from all sources (harder, justifiably so, on them as they exist primarily as service, as UIS, in its deep-seated service orientation assumes and shares substantially the responsibility).

(e)  Undertake eco-friendly productive projects; preserve the capital and distribute the income:  Follow the World Bank model, which has achieved, by and large, 10% annual investment return for the countries it has served.  Assuming, (i) 10% return annually on the capital (endowment) of $100 trillion, and (ii) the world’s population stabilizing at 10 billion, the per capita share of the income for each works out to $1,000 (in constant 2007 dollars).  Albeit it doesn’t seem much, it is expected to be sufficient as a catalyst to shift the split of the world’s income from 80:20 respectively between the top 20% and the bottom 80% of the population to roughly an equal split of it for both the groups, within the following two decades.  (Astonishingly, some estimates put 99% of the wealth {not income} in the top 1%.) Comfortingly, notwithstanding the equalization of the split, absolute income for most in both the groups, except for the richest of the rich, is expected to be much higher than before due to the redistribution of the investment proceeds and its consequential quantum leap (it being tide integrally to the development of the needed skills and its application) in economic activities.  The goal is to reach a tenfold return (from an input of $1,000 into an output of $10,000 in constant 2007 values, or $2,000 and $20,000 respectively, in 2017 dollars), on the average per year, over one’s typical lifetime.  Ensure its exemption from taxation (its confirmed inalienability).

(f)  Determine eligibility for the receipt of benefits:  Earning it is a requirement. It entails 10% assessment of one’s earnings/income (after the person reached adulthood, age 18). One is eligible for the benefits after the completion of the assessment for 10 years.  Assessments and the respective payments continue from then on for the rest of his/her lifetime. It is to continue uninterrupted (adjustment is to be made if necessary to correct anomalies) for full eligibility for the benefits. Viability of the commitment is safeguarded, maintaining benefits and liabilities at equilibrium.

(g)  Evaluate special situations (for benefit eligibility):  Note the following: (i) the “assessment” is based on one’s ability to pay (fixed at 10% of their own earnings/income, even if it is close to zero), while the “return” is the same for each (in absolute, not % terms), regardless of national origin, ethnicity, etcetera; and, (ii) safety net/special consideration is given for the mentally/physically infirm or those, especially over 65,  in traumatic situations (e.g. haven’t completed 10 years of eligible participation but needs the benefits).

(h)  Restrict transfer of funds: It is restricted to individuals. The scope of it being in the Individual Sector, direct transfer of funds from the UIS is not extended to entities. Remember, the policy decision for UIS is:  (i) to hold its equity and the assessed income at 10% of both the world’s worth and its income, which entails the inclusion of all entities in the funding requirements; but, (ii) to reach a decent/sufficient allocation of the benefits from UIS to individuals, exclude the entities from the benefit distribution. Admittedly, the exclusion is basically theoretical, individuals collectively hold-or functionally hold all entities.  Apart from it, enlist the help of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the World Bank; entrust it the fiduciary responsibility, to ensure equal distribution of the benefits to each and all (to all those who meet the criteria for eligibility, stated above).

(i)  Promote integrity in the functioning of the Individual Sector – allocate   the minimum for overhauling the world’s economy – while maximizing the benefits:  First, only 10% of the world’s worth goes into the Individual Sector. But it will have a hold for the better on all of us, individually and collectively.  We total over 7 billion. Beyond our numbers, God willing, the same extends to our descendants, to all, yet to come. In carrying out the plan, we, in fact, reconstitute the world’s economy. The sectors that comprise it, move from two to three.  Though 10% of the total is taken out to create the Individual Sector, it is designed to expand the overall economy substantially, adding appreciably – not reducing – in due course, the value of the existing private and public sectors.  Although the Individual Sector, as proposed, includes all the natural resources of our habitat, its imputed value is held at the minimum, leaving the bulk (90%) of the world’s worth in the other spheres. At hand is a win-win situation (enshrining human dignity:  providing for essential needs, skills development, opportunities, hope for a better life), while guaranteeing increased allocation (within the overall growth of the economy) for the other sectors.

(j)  Explain the Individual Sector (understatement of its value vs. funding it through assessment):  World’s worth:  Imputed at $1 quadrillion (one thousand trillion in US definition of the term), its valuation is divided between those for “natural resources” (10%) and “man-made enhancements” (90%).  Is it fair? Although the true value of the world’s natural endowments is priceless and inestimable – encompassing land, water and air, and everything that comes with it –  the corresponding value is underestimated intentionally at 10% of the total (at $100 trillion, in 2007 dollars), as the valuation is limited to the raw materials that go typically into products/services. The purpose is to establish a reasonable assessment in the actual utilization of raw materials at the level indicated, not on the overall base, for extending an equitable credit to industry.  But, we also solemnly affirm and assert that the natural resources constitute the treasure-trove of the birth-based bequest to us and, accordingly, a reasonable levy on the utilization of assets held privately or publicly is due and payable into the Individual Sector. It is needed for leveling the playing field, without harboring ill will for the inequities of the past.  Importantly, within the Individual Sector, universal equality is maintained, for our own sustenance and peace.

(k) Strengthen the movement:  Massive no holds barred struggle, launched from the grassroots and continued unabated until the accomplishment of the mission, is to bring Universal Inheritance a reality for our world.  A brick at a time, from unit to unit, crisscrossing and encompassing the globe, the endeavor is to bring all of us together, in our common ascent as humans.  Critically, within it, the affirmation of inalienable ownership rights to the natural resources of our habitat to each, in equal measure with everyone else, is to become the law of the land – the locality, country and all the nations of the world.  From locals to networks, to the core group at the center, the plan initially laid out, calls for 111111 units to constitute Universal Inheritance Services, as it takes over the implementation of the proposal, utilizing fully the depth and scope of the PPBMEC Processes (Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Evaluation and Control Processes) that governed the operations, during the golden era of Robert McNamara, at the World Bank, between 1968 and 1981.

(l)  Usher in the dawn:  Universal Inheritance is to become fully functional before the end of the first half of the 21st century.  Ironically, wealth’s importance would fade as we approach the equilibrium between real needs and questionable desires in the socio-economic fabric of our civil society, finding peace and happiness less in the accumulation of wealth and more in what we mean to one another.

If you only glanced the above, without dwelling on the substance of it, I apologize to you for my inability to be persuasive enough to win you over to the movement. (But we don’t give up.)  On the other hand, the situation is at borderline or more positive (even hopefully overwhelming), we urge you to commit some time, at your convenience, in thrashing out the issues.  If you decide to be our Founding Member, your inputs if any at this point or later, are most welcome. Kindly go through with a fine comb to the above, or little more leisurely, the details in the main section below:


Section D:  Individual Sector  (IS), Main Text                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Welcome 

(It follows the trail the World Bank blazed)

1.  This is our website ( to help implement Universal Inheritance. It is the voice of an underlying movement to establish an “Individual Sector,” alongside the existing public and private spheres of the economy, for bringing dignity in the lives of all, allowing we dare say “no exclusions.”  It is hopefully the movement of all peoples in all countries – a world without borders – to secure and hold in trust 10% of the world’s wealth, within the newly created Individual Sector, independently so (outside of the other two sectors) as the common heritage of humanity.

2.  The content of this and its later versions, for a few years, will be based largely upon the work-in-progress for putting out the revised text book edition of the book “World Bank and Beyond: Memoir and a Proposal,” (title is likely to be changed).

3.  Auspiciously, the site follows the commemoration (June 9, 2016) of the centenary of the birth of Robert S. McNamara, the fifth President of the World Bank (tenure: April 1, 1968 – June 30, 1981). Let June 9 be recognized from now on as the World Bank President Day, in tribute not only to him but also to his illustrious predecessors and successors.  It is so, in recognition of their unending endeavor, in making the Bank function as the conscience of humankind.

4.  Remembering the life we have lived in the Bank, Paul Bowron, the architect in the Bank for turning McNamara’s vision into reality, wrote to me (Mr. McNamara’s Passing, Sent: Saturday 9/26/09 5:46 AM): “ I imagine you were much saddened by the passing of Mr. McNamara. No person I can think of within the past few decades has had influences, both good ones, and, unfortunately, bad ones, on greater numbers of world’s peoples, than him.  The World Bank and its borrowers and their people certainly benefited enormously from his leadership.  McNamara did more for the world, for good or bad, than anyone else in recent memory.”

5.  In what could be termed as a historical rebound of him to us, to the Bank and its staff, from his involvement in the tragedy of Vietnam War (he had filled the slot as US Secretary of Defense under both John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson). McNamara served the world in his new incarnation, as an apostle of the poor, weak and disadvantaged in camouflaged business suit.  Repentance of the suffering he had caused and the commitment it brought out in him to end all wars for good through socioeconomic development, and being fair and square to all, brought glory, especially in the end to a tormented soul.

6.  But, in heartfelt pain that has been suppressed for long, which we shared and endured with him, the Bank and its staff – past and present – have an obligation (indebtedness to him) to make amends for the sufferings of both sides in the war. An apology is in order. But it is hardly enough unless it is integrated to something equivalent to the first loan the Bank made to France in 1947 for economic development and reconstruction, in the aftermath of the Second World War (at $250 million then, it ranks as one of the largest ever in real terms, for program/project funding, the Bank has ever extended).  (Perhaps similar considerations apply to all wars, in varying emotional mix {with the passage of time}, not overlooking the Korean War.)

7.  Honestly, there are no absolutes in life. Regardless, we must move forward.  In fact, McNamara’s 13-year tenure, at the helm of the World Bank, turned out to be the golden era of the institution, in its seven-decade long existence.  The inspiration for this work comes from his enduring legacy that cannot be extinguished.  Failure is not an option to us.

8.  What is his living legacy to us, his staff and the Bank? It is perhaps impossible to put it in words.  Permit me to reach out to it, in fragments, to his thoughts (excerpts from his June 30, 1981 farewell address to the staff members).

Gratitude:  This is my final day in the Bank, and I do not want to leave without saying once again how deeply grateful I am to have served these past 13 years with you in this unique institution.  You have made them the best years in my life.  I will never forget them.  And I will never forget you.  You have done a tremendous job.  I know that because I asked a great deal of you.  And you outdid everything I ever asked.  Exceeded every target.  Surpassed every goal.  Never slowed down.  And never gave up.  You have lent substance, dignity and worth to the words: international civil servant.  And you have made me immensely proud to be counted among your number.

Achievement:  I hope – and more than hope, I dare to believe – that they have been good years for you as well.  Good years because of what we have been able to achieve together.  Not just for the Bank.  But especially for the millions of individuals throughout the developing world whose lives we have touched.  And through your collective effort and talent and dedication it has grown into one of the most constructive instruments of human aspirations and progress.  In the end that is what development is all about:  helping to create conditions in which individuals themselves can better realize their own inherent potential.

Raison’ d’ être: That is (repeating: “Helping to create conditions in which individuals themselves can better realize their own inherent potential”) fundamentally what this institution was founded to do. (The same is equally true for Universal Inheritance Services).

Future:  And, yet, the Bank has only barely begun to develop its full potential for service and assistance.  There is so much more it can do, so much more it ought to do, to assist those who need its help.

9.  On the above, we assume, humbly only, the stewardship of a well-put-together (hopefully) mass movement. It is to ensure decency in the lives of all.  It cannot be wished into existence.  The Bank also needs to be persuaded, in wanting to be involved.  Only a concerted effort at the grassroots level, involving all to the extent possible, could lead to it.

10.  Although what we propose, in the pages that follow, is self-evident and needs no rational justification, it could easily be thrown into the wastebasket without afterthoughts. To avoid such a fate, we submitted it to the Board of the World Bank on June 9, 2016, hopefully so with the moral support of the Bank’s own staff and retirees.  Nevertheless, it could still be characterized even by the most decent among us, without a trace of ill will towards anyone as being extremely idealistic, in a naturally cruel world.  It is – whether we admit it or not – is actually the true explanation of the impediments.  But time and tide waits for no one.  We will have our tryst with destiny.

 Moving Forward

11.  Reverberations that echo Abraham Lincoln’s immortal words: “government of the people, by the people for the people” on democracy, Universal Inheritance Services (UIS) is conceived as a trust of the people, endowed for the benefit of all, in equal per capita terms, without exclusions.  Once the funding is completed for the endowment, the trust is to be held in perpetuity (at 10% of the sum total of the world’s wealth), estimated today from a practical standpoint, at $100 trillion in 2007 U.S. dollars (we are to go back to the base that is almost 10 years earlier for credible valuation, before printing of money – without value addition – even in the US became fashionable).  The proceeds from the investment of the corpus are to be designated as seed money to improve the lots of the people.  Individually, eligibility for the receipt of funds, along with the needed service and support that go with it, is to be established (ideally so as earned), as set forth in the policy and procedures that evolve and govern the operations. Except for the safety net for the physically challenged, mentally infirm or those in dire needs (to ensure dignity in life despite tragic/anomalous situations) – hard work, skills development, creativity and initiatives, even in the face of adversities – are critical elements that constitute the viability and functioning of the trust for reaching the desired ends.  (Instituting simultaneously the necessary incentives, while endeavoring as well to create a healthy environment, add substantially to the efforts ahead.)  Importantly, it ushers in an era of the Individual Sector that complements the existing private and public spheres of the economy, to help ensure decency in the livelihoods for all.

12.  At present our assumption is that (notwithstanding the more lopsided reality today) 20% of the people own 80% of the world’s wealth, while the majority (80%) own its residual 20%; judgmentally, in estimates, the top 1% own 99%. It is untenable, in a world of scarcities, and cannot be continued for long without a cataclysm in the not too distant future.  Even if such a calamity is not imminent, there is no moral justification for its continuance.  Being born and alive on this planet, given the bequest of the natural resources of the place to all its inhabitants, we affirm individually and collectively, one’s inalienable right to it for existence, along with everyone else, especially so within the consanguinity of the human family.

13.  It has to be so, predicated upon a secured opportunity to work to exploit nature’s bounty while protecting and nurturing the ecosystem, for earning a decent living.  To that end the present course is reversed, as we reassert the ownership rights for the natural resources of our habitat equally to each and collectively to all – for land, water, air (and everything that could be included within them) while yielding nevertheless the residual rights of tenancy of all such holdings (insisting only the rental, on its natural resources base, to be charged and collected for the Individual Sector) to those of us who hold bona fide titles to such property under the existing setup.  Whether such holdings are held directly or not, the utility of such resources being part of the inputs for manufacturing or service in the generation of income or value, the levies take the form of charges made on the income, whatever be the source, while the underlying assessment remains and maintained as appropriate (improved so as an when adjustments are required) on the value of the respective holdings/net worth.

14.  Capital formulation/operations are to proceed and take hold over an extended period of several decades. It is initiated basically through an across the board assessment of 10% of all income at the source.  It allows for no exclusions as the assessed include all individuals and, all governmental and nongovernmental entities: including international organizations, charities, foundations, educational institutions and health care setups.  Businesses are to be assessed at 10% of the net income before taxes, while nonprofit groups are to be assessed 10% of their revenue from all sources (harder, justifiably so, on them as they exist primarily as service, as UIS in its deep-seated service orientation, assumes and shares substantially the responsibility).

15.  Further, the scope of it being in the Individual Sector, direct transfer of funds from the UIS is not extended to the entities but is restricted to people.  Normally full eligibility for one for UI Services (mainly technical help and disbursements) is reached upon completion of the assessed subscription for the full 10 years or 40 quarters.  Direct fund flow from UI Services begins only then. (But its impact: psychologically, socially and even economically, could be felt in the environment from the very beginnings.)   On the assessment itself, note that it continues and extends to one’s lifetime (including 10% on the estate of the deceased/entities that wind up operations).  But generally, the benefit to each is expected to be exponentially greater than the charges made (as assessments) as time progresses.

16.  Massive no holds barred struggle, launched from the grassroots level and continued unabated until the accomplishment of the mission, is to bring Universal Inheritance into reality for our world. A brick at a time, from unit to unit, crisscrossing and encompassing the globe, the endeavor is to bring all of us together, in our continuing ascent as humans.  Critically, within it, the affirmation of inalienable ownership rights to the natural resources of our habitat to each, in equal measure with everyone else, is to become the law of the land – the locality, the country and all the nations of the world.

17.  From locals to networks, to the core group at the center, the plan as initially laid out, calls for 111111 units to constitute the Universal Inheritance Services as it takes over the vehicle for the implementation of the proposal, utilizing fully the depth and scope of the PPBMEC Processes (Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Monitoring, Evaluation and Control Processes) that governed the operations, during the golden era of Robert McNamara, at the World Bank, between 1968 and 1981.  Universal Inheritance is to become fully functional before the end of the first half of the 21st century.

18.  Assuming: (a) 10% investment return annually on the endowment of $100 trillion, and (b) the world’s population stabilizing at 10 billion, the per capita share of the income for each works out to $1,000 (in constant 2007 values).  Albeit it doesn’t seem much, it is expected to be sufficient as a catalyst to shift the split of the total income from 80:20 respectively between the top 20% and the bottom 80% of the population to roughly an equal split of the income for both the groups, within the following two decades.

19.  Comfortingly, notwithstanding the equalization of the split, absolute income for most in both the groups, except for the richest of the rich, is expected to be much higher than before due to the redistribution of the investment proceeds and its consequential quantum leap (it being tied integrally to the development of the needed skills and its application) in economic activities.

20.  The goal is to reach a tenfold return (from an input of $1,000 into an output of $10,000 in constant 2007 values, or $2,000 and $20,000 respectively in 2017 values), on the average per year, over one’s typical lifetime.  Ironically, wealth’s importance would fade as we approach the equilibrium between the real needs and questionable desires in the socio-economic fabric of our secured civil society, finding peace and happiness less in the accumulation of wealth and more in what mean to one another.

Getting Grip

21.  Substance: Secure and hold in trust 10% of the world’s wealth in real terms for perpetuity (not strictly physically, but legally so), as the common heritage of humanity, for crediting and distributing the income from its corpus, as appropriate, to one and all equally over the respective periods of entitlement – in periodic installments that extend, but limited as well, to the life’s term of each – in upholding the needed “sovereignty” for all, of the generations living now and, to come for all time.  The genesis of it is the conviction that all natural resources of our habitat, the foundation upon which life on earth is sustained, belong to each of us individually (in equal per capita terms) and collectively to all, within the newly created “Individual Sector.”  Imputing minimally (regardless of its inestimable value) at 10% of the world’s wealth, we yield the 90%, liberally so, to the main stream, public- and- private setup.

22.  Fairness and justice being the cornerstones of ordinary civility in our lives, the endeavor, within the Individual Sector, is to be launched to ensure the availability of essentials to help realize the opportunities of criticality for each, at a minimum for survival (but hopefully for much more), to build and enhance self-reliance and self-application, considering the inevitability of adversities for living in dignity: socially, psychologically and economically.

23.  It, the trust: “Universal Inheritance” is therefore intended mainly for maximizing self-help for living satisfyingly, and only marginally, after exhausting all avenues, as a last resort for one’s survival (in the form of a contingency/safety net), without the loss of dignity in life.  The new sector, at a minimum, complements the existing private and public spheres of the economy in filling in the gaps for making life livable for all, including not only the poor but also, believe it or not, the affluent. Albeit an assessment is needed initially to bring the Individual Sector into reality, actually it is only an amortization of debt, in arrears for long, of all, owed to each of us individually.

Getting the Proposal off the Ground

24.  Given the unprecedented scope of the vision, the practicality of the proposal requires affirmation. Its implementation, however, cannot be deferred or given up simply on account of obvious and formidable hurdles.  Rather, the underlying concern is: Are the benefits worth the risks?  Should its implementation pursued if the costs are too high, the benefits too uncertain, and the disruption too overwhelming?

25.  Fortunately, the value of the proposal speaks for itself, especially within the environment in which we pull on.  Nevertheless, an in-depth study is needed at the highest levels of competence, moving it up to the World Bank’s domain: the Bank being reputed for long as the preeminent development agency of its kind in existence.  It is to move forward.  We in the Bank (staff and retirees)  have worked too long, too hard, and too involved, in allaying the misery in the lives of too many, to walk away from it.  A nobler life for all is our dream.  It is the raison’ d’être of our functional existence.

26.  A bit of clarification is needed on the role of the Bank in establishing Universal Inheritance Services (UIS), institutionally so. Although we do not see the two entities World Bank and UIS,  as one and the same, the bond between them is likely to be enduring if not permanent.  Logistically, at least in the foreseeable future, no entity other than the World Bank has the sway, clout, knowledge, history and character to bring about UIS operations closer to reality, within the timeframe envisaged (before the end of the first half of the present century).

27.  Apart from an understanding of the work involved in reaching the objectives, sharing of the responsibilities between the UIS and the Bank needs to be worked out.  In the beginning, the Bank’s part in it could involve, critically so, the setting up of UIS as a viable entity.  As the new entity encompasses all aspects of human decency in one unified world (more socially so than politically), the movement cannot succeed (given even the Bank’s active involvement) unless moral support to it comes from all of us, at the grassroots, across national boundaries. It will come, despite opposition and skepticism, as it is a win/win, situation, no one loses.

27.  The question that begs an answer is on the benefit of seeking the partnership of the World Bank in having UIS established. The Bank being a worldwide organization, with near 200-country membership, its existing facility for channeling communications with member governments could be utilized to the full extent for reaching agreement on UIS objectives and means: including its legal framework, organization, capitalization, functions and operations.  Like the Bank, the reach of UIS is expected to be global, constitutently so, and operational decisions being taken not on a show of hands, but mainly on consensus.  Its mandate comes not on authority but on the excellence of politically disinterested professionalism, that puts at front and center the interests of all peoples, all of them whom it serves.  The bond between the entities could be as good as gold.

28.  To put it in context, the Bank’s much anticipated involvement in setting up UIS and making it functional, let us go back to the trail the organization blazed, in the evolving nature of its undertakings, since its beginning in 1945, with IMF as sister organization, following the epochal international conference at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire. It impacted us for the better, in the world we lived:  taking us from reconstruction in Europe (after World War II), to transformation of disadvantaged country economies to developing-or developed, and to emerging markets.

29.  Successes one after another, in an unbroken chord, brought the institution to glory, but intriguingly also off course later, in the last few decades.  It is now on a precarious trajectory for uncertain future.  But, its built-up forte: integrity, ingenuity, knowledge, skills and means, the set of attributes for excellence in work, cannot be jeopardized. Re-endowed so, assuming the challenge of building up UIS would be momentous.

30.  Of paramount importance would be the shift in focus towards “individual wellbeing,” relative to other major concerns that have been confined more to the overall economy.  Making it to it, in a meaningful way, would be a quantum leap for the Bank, at this juncture of its soul-searching.  It will redefine the pivotal role the institution is to assume – for each of us, individually and collectively – allowing we dare say no exclusions.

31.  Could the aforementioned be taken for granted? Far from it, much is ahead.  First, the underlying concern is to be addressed.  Are all of us, the staff and alumni, destined to take the Bank with us to extinction and oblivion?  In the disastrous course, especially after Robert McNamara’s departure, we had shot ourselves in the foot: the self-inflicted wounds have crippled us.  Can we get ourselves up, start out again on our bootstraps and, restore the balance?  History beckons us to it.

32.  Before we dwell on what happened in the Bank, let us look up briefly its achievements.  The World Bank, together with IMF, played a complementary role to the UN, whether we realized it or not, in preventing World War III.  While the UN, more often than not, plagued by internal politics, the Bank moved to the forefront, in the economic sphere, beginning with (after reconstruction work) bread and butter necessities (agriculture: crops, fertilizer, irrigation/dams and yields), to myriad overarching sectors including:  energy, industry, transportation, communication, with attendant focus on infrastructure to support development.

33.  Slowly but steadily, its parallel track moved to demographics: including shelter, clothing, education, population control, health and nutrition, with its encompassing approach to institution building. Overriding the issues of politics, the concerns that plagued UN, to the Bank – true to its charter – only the wellbeing of the people, not the governmental orientation (e.g. labor vs conservatives or capitalism, vs communism) mattered.  On it when the work was carried out with the utmost professionalism, no command structure anywhere, of any branch of the government – be it executive, legislative or judicial –  could impose its will on the Bank, much less to its staff.

34.  Fortunately its sway was so overwhelming that few ever attempted it.  Parties in power had come and gone and, at times, even upheavals in succession, but few of the successive governments wanted to abridge or alter their original contracts with the Bank. The sanctity of them had been kept and the terms honored.  It wouldn’t make much sense otherwise, because it had been in their own interest to abide by them.  It is not the intention here to imply that the situation was so because of leniency in the terms of the contract.  Given the constraints under which the Bank functioned, this was hardly so.  But the promise was kept: service to the people was the only reason for the Bank’s existence.

Universal inheritance:  Implementation (recapitulation)                                                                                         

35.  Secure and hold in trust 10% of the world’s wealth, in real terms for perpetuity, as the common heritage of humanity, for crediting and distributing the income of which, as appropriate, to one and all, equally over the respective periods of entitlement that extend but limited as well to the lifetime of each – in upholding the needed “sovereignty” for all generations living now and, to come for all time.

36.  Fairness and justice being the cornerstones of ordinary civility in our lives, the endeavor is to be launched to assure the availability of the essential means to help realize opportunities of criticality for each – at a minimum for survival, but hopefully for much more – to build and enhance self-reliance and self-application, considering the inevitability of adversities for living in dignity: socially, psychologically and economically. It, the trust, is therefore intended mainly for maximizing self-help for living satisfyingly and only marginally, after exhausting all avenues, for the survival of one (in the form of a safety net/contingency), without the loss of dignity in life.

37.  The trust is established from the contributions of all in our global village, from the richest to the poorest, that reflect an across the board assessment of 10% of all holdings, triggered and secured initially through the levy at the source of all current earnings. Consistent to the spirit of it, the beneficiaries include everyone as the endowment is created for all, irrespective of their individual means.

38.  But unlike the differentiation in assessments that is based on the size of the holdings – notwithstanding the flat 10% rate on it – the return to each for the applicable period is held the same, linked together integrally in both percentage and absolute terms.  It by itself does not mean that the rich always contribute more to the trust – and more so the richer one gets – but receiving proportionately less from it, compared to the inverse of it for the lesser wealthy or poor, as the benefits accrued are set equally for all, theoretically, in addition to the more meaningful but subjective valuation of all benefits, including the complex input into services.

39.  Though unequivocally a base shift is intended, to move more of the resources from the richer to the poorer, the equity of the distribution is expected to increase productivity as it is channeled through sweat and toil to expand the economy substantially, especially over the longer haul, for the increasing advantage of all.  In order to help ensure it, the base shift that triggers the creation of the endowment is held to the point of its equilibrium, sufficient for creating more opportunities for advancement as well as strengthening of the ways and means for reaching decent standards of living universally for all, but not allowing it to become a source of handouts for creating inertia and stagnation or disrupting work ethics.

40.  Importantly as we reach down the level of individuals, all of us actually move up together in unifying the world in fundamental values – with head and heart going into it – across the existing national boundaries, ethnic origins or anything else that erects artificial walls among us.

41.  What does it amount to each of us? Imputing values in the ‘back of the envelope’ approach for the estimate here, and generally whatever that follows in this paper, the ‘basic annual income (from the inheritance) for one may be put at $1,000 in year 2007 dollars. The assumptions underlying the estimate are realistic but drawn admittedly from rough, round numbers.

42.  For the purpose of this exercise, the worth of the world as a whole: the valuation of the combined total of natural resources (NR) and man-made improvements/endowments (ME) is estimated at $1 quadrillion in constant 2007 dollars. We place the value of the resources for which the title is held commonly (NR), free and clear of encumbrances, at $100 trillion. Since these resources go as primary inputs in all economic activities of the world at large, 10% of the $100 million is assessed as “user dues” owed to the primary ownership, held by the people.  The income that accrued to all therefore totals to $10 trillion.  Putting the world population at 10 billion in the foreseeable future ($10 trillion divided by 10 billion = $1,000) is derived.

43.  Managed and invested appropriately (and utilized – prudently) benefits of the annual allotments would be much greater: a tenfold consolidated return – in constant prices – over 50 years would yield $500,000 ($1,000,000 in 2017 dollars).

44.  Although the magnitude indicated is staggering at first glance, it is not so as the benefits that are to accrue are worth every penny that is needed to pay for them. The inheritance that is to be credited to all ($20 trillion /2017 prices annually), amounts to 1% of the estimated net worth of the world; in terms of Gross World Product” (GWP),  it could be put at 10%; the GWP may be defined as the monetary value from all sources for goods produced and services provided.

45.  It still leaves the lion’s share (90%) of the gross income in the hands of the rest, for all the other worthwhile activities and interests.  Arguably, however, the size of the holdings is still meaningful for all of us – to each and every one – to be termed as – “opportunity funds.”  Importantly the proposal cuts across national boundaries and classes: their plateaus and valleys, and reaches out to everyone – poor or rich, learned or illiterate, strong or weak as it is rooted in the sublimity of values, and recognizes the fact that however lofty their present station in life might be, they may come to need it, to the extent so by any other, living on the fringes of the society.

46.  Universality of the inclusion aside, importantly, it is also necessary as a correction, to reset our – present course, the compass setting that is moving us inexorably to a collision course, – perhaps of unimaginable magnitude, between the “haves and “have-nots.” Rather than mounting counter-productive measures to move toward equalizing the wealth among people, (which could in the end will have distributed poverty and made everyone poor), the overriding intention is to guarantee (within the level of the budget proposed) for each and all, at least a minimum stake in the system – a fighting chance to make good, regardless of the difficulties.

47.  But peace and prosperity could hardly be realized if we failed to extend, complementing the aforementioned, special help to those who live in the margin (mentally or physically) who are not fortunate enough to not need it, as situations could dictate.

48.  At this time, the question that begs an answer is: “How are we going to secure the capitalization for generating the income that is required?” Mobilizing the resources at the adequate levels for commencing the operations, and for moving forward, could come only over a period in the implementing of a well thought-out plan of action, on a realistic schedule that is to be maintained, precluding through anticipatory steps major disruptions.

49.  After determining the means-based level of capital to be raised, in monetary or equivalent considerations, contextually within each of the cells of predetermined boundaries – of sufficient population density, on a worldwide network – the endeavor is launched institutionally in the initiatives of the individuals and organized groups of the respective localities.  It is to be a grass-roots effort, lifting and encompassing into it as much of the populace willingly and enthusiastically as possible – not only in the contributions of the funding effort but also as foot soldiers, apostles and, selectively as leaders (the servants of the people) of the movement.

50.  As enough thrust is brought into it, the localities become established and, once in place, they are to band together to form the network within and across countries, while extending their support to bring those who remain behind in forming the union.  Ultimately no one can be left out, as it cannot be an option in the new order, no matter how much persuasion it takes, or force subsumed into law, to ensure it.  The opportunity to earn a living in dignity is a universal birth right of each of us (upon global natural resources) and, it in its affirmation – through the founding of Universal Inheritance – has become one of the sacred covenants of human existence.

51.  In creating Universal Inheritance, the need is to move unswervingly with determination, on a muddy track, from one end to the other, ploughing the whole field. For making it a reality, the assessment is to be “universal” without exceptions.  As the first obligation, in the order of precedence, all are assessed including the people, the governments (federal, state and local), the UN and its affiliated agencies (including IMF and the World Bank), the churches (all religious groups), the businesses, the foundations, the charities and all other profit-or-non-profit entities, accepting no exclusions.

52.  The levies apply to the income before taxation, at the source, as and when it is realized (accumulation based theoretically to the net worth as of the end of the previous year).  It is understood that legitimate adjustments on either the net worth or income could come, subsequently, and are credited or debited, as appropriate.  As a matter of procedure, the current income is assessed regularly as required. The need is recognized, however, to treat the net worth differently if income does not show up corresponding to the base or because of its complexity, after the original assessment, ensuring as well the preclusion of duplications  in the charges/credits on the year-to-year income, in the base of the holdings.

53.  It permits discernibly the transfer of the net income into it without further levies (it being already assessed) while retaining the hold on the differentials in the net worth that resulted from major justified revaluation of the base, though without the customary filter and transfer of the revenue/loss through the income statement, in the closing of the books.

54.  Moving to the benefits, it is noted that while all are assessed for creating the corpus of the inheritance, the return from it accrues directly to the people themselves and, only indirectly through the people to the institutions, the governmental and non-governmental entities, as they exist primarily for us. Basically the inheritance is a foothold in the ascent of humans, in the equality of one with the other, in the stuff that matters.

55.  While Universal Inheritance can be considered as a substantial source of opportunity funds, the purpose of it divulges from the lofty ideal of creating “equality of opportunities for all,” as we have our focus rather on the realizable goals “for each,” given the potential, aptitude, disposition and effort going into their pursuit.

56.  While not delving deeply into the scope of the one vis-à-vis the other, bringing practicality and idealism together, from the very beginnings of our extended journey, without scraping one for the other on the road traveled, we put up the meaningful markers on our progress.  Nevertheless at its birth pangs, the inheritance is intended to serve, in a limited way – before being able to widen its sway – as an insurance of equanimity, as it extends, given the sufficiency of self-application, the means if needed to build a life or help recover from catastrophes.

57.  In complementing as opposed to supplementing self-help, while minimizing the anxiety of most for the need of excessive accumulations as reserves for contingency situations, the inheritance is expected to trigger substantial level of increased activities, meaningfully not only in the economic sector, but equally as well in the social and psychological spheres, for the benefit of each and all, both individually and collectively.  To a great extent the world moves in the way in which actions and consequences interlock as they cannot be separated from the bearings on our lives.

58.  Further, implementing the incentives for what we want (and, disincentives for what we don’t) dictate the events in the contextual setup, once the inheritance is accepted and established, at the level sufficient for beginning the operations. The challenge is to make it fully functional, consistent with the aspirations of the people, within which the core group could carry out the programming and budgeting functions to help make the dream a reality.

Programming and Budgeting Processes

59.  Once the plan begins to take hold in general acceptability within the movement, consideration is given to institute conscientiously, under established policy and procedures, the mechanism for implementing the objectives efficiently for accomplishing the mission. The range and complexity of the work at hand entails only the suitability of the best measures, conceived as yet, for the transformation of the vision into reality. If the processes are faulty in design or implementation, we are likely to be better off without them than with them.

60.  Acceptability in general terms for the planning scenario ensured, it moves on programmatically to staff review and intense scrutiny in order to thrash out the issues and reach agreement on substantive points. The concerns involve the overall structure and defensibility of the plan in terms of its contents, scope and bearings, including the feasibility of the provisions and its suggestions for additions, deletions and changes, in consistency with the objectives of the undertaking.

61.  Subsequently, the plan as refined, highlighting the modifications, is returned to the constituting authority (to be setup) on whose inputs and control – subject to the will of the people – the thoughts and decisions find expression in the finalized plan which is incorporated into the processes.  Before its formalization, however, the draft of the plan will have gone back and forth between the authority and the P&B staff involved, as often as required, for the resolution of pending problems, and the introduction of the measures for improvements, leading towards consensus, bringing in critical inputs from all concerned world-wide forums.

62.  Given the plan, especially its unprecedented reach and scope, yearly work programs are suggested, set within the time frame of rolling 10-year periods, to reach the targeted goals. Although the planning period is set at decade-long   duration (for example, 2009 -2018), it rolls forward, at the end of the first year and each of the succeeding years (technically the year that ended is dropped as the new 10th year is added: 2010 – 2019, 2011 – 2020 …..)  Ironically, it is done to emphasize, not to downgrade the importance of the respective 10-year periods, while striving as well to maintain the benefit of the full 10-year perspective ahead not only for the first year but also for each of the succeeding years.

63.  Critically, the record of the year that ended is reviewed rigorously, within the context of the previous years as appropriate, for making the needed corrections and adjustments to the work program for the year that is immediately ahead, by implication also, for the remaining years, for reaching the most favorable outcome for the fixed entire 10-year periods.  Additionally, as and when the planning period rolls, at the beginning of each of the succeeding years, while the new year falls within the series of years for the fixed period, it automatically becomes the 10th year of a new planning period of the straddling term, which requires the further deepening of the work program to maintain repeatedly the full 10-year perspectives.

64.  The processes continue programmatically, through the completion of the fixed series of the 10-year periods (e.g., 2009 – 2018, 2019 – 2028) indefinitely as required. The straddling feature as described, is intended to reinforce the resolution in completing satisfactorily the goals for the 10-year terms.  It helps in evaluating performance, and integrating the inferences into the planning as an ongoing process.

65.  Ambitious though realistic, the expectation is to make Universal Inheritance functional for all practical purposes by 2048.  But making it fully operational philosophically, encompassing its entire social, psychological and economic spectrum of life, however, is to be our continuing challenge for a full century.

66.   After having formulated and ratified appropriately the Articles of agreement and the Bylaws of the organization, for founding Universal Inheritance and beginning the operations, it is incumbent upon the “Constituting Authority” (the group that constitutes the founding fathers / their elected or nominated representatives)) to lay down – in consistency with the foregoing – the policy and procedures (subject, of course, the revisions from time to time) that govern the new entity’s functions and operations, including its capitalization.

67.  In all of the above, the P&B processes take hold from the starting point, extending support and guidance to those in charge, conceivably so, even in the formulation of initial thoughts, through the institutionalization of the agenda, to the respective work completions, on schedule.  As we embark on the mission, laboring strenuously to cross over the hurdles immediately ahead, the impact of the P&B group is felt increasingly in setting up the organization, coming up with the initial short-and extended term plans and, above all making the entity truly functional.

68.  Although P&B is basically a service group, as opposed to an operational department, the purpose of its existence – formulating the overall plans and making them reality – compels its moves to the cutting edges often beyond its turf, to direct work in operational and related matters to fill in the gap, complement the work of the other units or as needed, move even to the areas hitherto not existed.

69.  Given the pool of exceptional staff, with in-depth knowledge and background in all spheres of the organization’s activities,  the central P&B group that exists within UIS (not to be confused with us, the P&B Corporation) in fact, becomes the microcosm of the entire entity, permitting it to go forward, relying heavily on persuasion, on matters of contention, in preference to imposition; taking, however, the calculated risk to reach the ends, while necessarily subjecting itself to frustration, humiliation and heartbreaks.  But learning nevertheless from the mistakes and defeats, it, in its function, make the necessary programmatic effort to bring all parts of the organization together, in a concerted approach to finding the path to success.

70.  Although the aforementioned assumes, in the theoretical context of the work ahead, the beginnings of P&B within the genesis of the organization itself, it is also an attempt at encapsulation of the life and times of the Programming and Budgeting Department, in the golden era of Robert McNamara’s stewardship of the World Bank, between 1968 – 1981.

71.  Maintaining clarity in the contents, and realizing the scope of the constituents of the processes – in function and implementation – help us to proceed efficiently in the steps taken for work completion. The critical areas of the focus involve the following:

*    Objectives:  As set, they are to give the needed raison’ d’être for the operations.

*    Organization:  The parameters of the objectives dictate the structure of the entity; ultimate domain on all matters rests in the people.

*    Articles of Agreement and Bylaws:  Responsibility for their formulation and the ratification as appropriate is vested in the constituting authority of the organization.

*    Policy and Procedures:  It is to be a compendium of the rules that govern the operations, and the steps to be followed in making the moves.

*    Plans:  Given an appropriate assessment of the internal and external environment, as well as a similar exercise in shifting or controlling the elements of it to our benefit, the goals are set on a time line – realistically but usually ambitiously as well – and the course to be followed suggested among the alternatives considered, for the accomplishment of the objectives.

*    Programming:  Basically it involves measures taken and means deployed in “making the plan actionable,” including the securing of the capital, meeting the legal requirements, carrying out the public relations functions and instituting the drive for other financial and structural activities for ensuring the functionality of the endeavor.

*    Work Program:  It details the tasks undertaken according to the timetable set, in performing the functions of the entity for achieving the goals.

*    Budgeting: The function establishes the means – for carrying out the work program – expressed  usually in terms of staffing and monetary resources  (including capital budgeting if necessary for costs to be amortized over a number of years for heavy investments in building, equipment etcetera), in   the completion of  tasks satisfactorily and cost efficiently, with set productivity improvements, within the periods of appropriation.

*    Monitoring, Evaluation and Control:  They encompass the tracking of the progress of operations within the intervals stipulated; the review of the results against the benchmarks; and the controls that set or adjust the course, for the corrections as needed, which includes the Retrospective.   It is carried out, often after the end of the period, for the assessment of performance and for its bearing on the needed new or revised inputs into the full range of the programming and Budgeting processes for the subsequent years.

Organization / Requirements

72.  Since the endeavor extends to countries, continents and beyond, in fact encompassing the world, the movement takes hold only when its roots are deepened locally for establishing, especially in the initial phases of ensuing the growth, free-standing and self-contained units. They replicate ideally the perceived characteristics of a new global entity, to which they are to belong under a federal structure or more integrally as determined.  Within a global setup, the units gravitate to the core group, helped by the newly instituted intermediary networks that transcend national boundaries.  In return the core group moves forward to the full extent to reach out for the individual units, while the networks extend their support to it in fulfilling their dual role, of being the catalytic agent in the work both for the core group and the individual units.

73.  Although the three main constituents of the global entity – the individual units, the networks and the core group – are to come together to make the inheritance a reality, in equal terms for all, the decision for expediting the process, calls not necessarily a common path for all the “Big Three,” but possibly separate roads for each, as appropriate, on a three-prong (strategically varied) approach to the destination.  Given the clarity of objectives, no one waits for no one, within the respective realms.  Regardless, inside each of which, we go as far as possible, as mentioned earlier, to take on the attributes of one world-wide body.  As we extend, making us increasingly self-reliant, the way asserts the truth, and the truth becomes the life.

74.  The range and scope of the undertaking, which extends to include all persons and covers our entire planet, indicates the need for a three-level  structure as the vehicle for implementing the plans. In it,  the constituent units keep their individual identities and maintain the distinct functions in the various locales – be these at the root level of the local units, the intermediary level of the networks or at the top tier of the core group.

75.  The respective elements within the functionality, woven internally to the dictates of the circumstances, no doubt differentiate the units from one another.  Regardless, the external complementary responsibilities, meaning the inputs of each into the work of the other units, within the total context, are integral to the proper functional alignments. The universality of the overall objectives dictate them.

76.  Additionally, for furthering the internal and external perspectives, while not tilting the balance in the interactions between them, a regime of incentives and disincentives are employed.  In its proper course, it encourages the desirables while discourages the undesirables.  Also in creating the efficiencies, the units at the different tiers are to work together in developing the standards, where necessary, in product or services.  Apart from the strategy in the plan of action, the bona fides and the supremacy of our mission are to set us apart, insulating the objectives we uphold from malignancy, deceit and expediencies.

77.  Assuming for the time being. The world population stabilizing at about 10 billion, the suggested formulation of the service organization is given below:

* Divide up the total of the population into 100.000 units of 100,000 people each.

* At the second level, divide up the total of the units to group them into the networks at several tiers (detailed later).  Since each of the local units is to be identified geographically through mapping within the range of its lateral and longitudinal bearings (but only after UIS becomes functional, or fairly so), the respective networks that group the units are also formulated and identified correspondingly.  Accordingly, each of the networks has the responsibility for coordinating and facilitating in its realm the functional  integration of the individual units into the global entity.  The work interlocks the networks as well in groups in constituting their respective reaches across the globe, both vertically and horizontally.

* The core group at the third level is the remaining constituent of the global organization.  It functions to integrate the outputs of the individual units, with the support of the networks, in conformity with the rules that govern the processes and, in consistency as well with the established policy and procedures for accomplishing the universal objectives.

78. It is important to note that the organizational setup suggested is not hierarchical as it is cooperative and consensual in both form and substance.  Nevertheless, it is necessary to remind ourselves that the organization has come into being – reflecting the collective will of the people – and the covenants that brought it into reality cannot and will not be compromised under any circumstances.

79.  In order to put up the units at the multi-levels planned for constituting the organizational complex (Universal Inheritance Services, or UIS) and launching the operations, it is necessary for us to seek the overwhelming support of the people in the different regions, in addition to mobilizing enough financial resources from the beginnings, to see the work through its critical phases.

80.  Unreal or not, the initial, effort in that direction begins here in the submission of the compendium before you, regardless of its humblest genesis.  It has received preliminary circulation as a commemorative edition of the 60th anniversary of the World Bank opening its doors for business (on June 25, 2006).  The wider distribution would come with your inputs. Though improvements are expected, that which is upheld herein, is mostly self-evident.

81. The pursuit is a moral obligation for life’s sustenance.  This theme of the submission is to receive its added traction in the follow-up activities with the help of the media, to reach all corners of the world.  We need to ensure as well that the support it generates is translated into the materiality of the means and the measures for getting us off the starting blocks with steam in the air.

82.  Crucial to it is the message conveyed. In a nutshell, it requests and requires that we confer upon each and all – the equal per capita ownership over all the natural resources of our habitat, inalienably so as a birthright for life’s tenure.  We do it on our own “Collective Authority” that supersedes all else human that binds us to the Earth. It is so because much like the air we breathe, the Earth’s bequest can be owned only jointly – individually and collectively simultaneously – forbidding the assignment of the title to the narrowly stipulated public-and or private domains.  Considering the mounting population pressures, incognizance of the truth in the proprietary of existence will push us off the edges of the cliff.

83.  In regards to the above, we confirm that the possessions as they exist now in the different domains are holdings (without the rights of ownership). In as much as any possession of the type could be rationalized only as a holding, rent is due and payable to each, to all of us, as we constitute the ownership. Though, it in theory makes one and, most of all, both renters and owners simultaneously, the differentials exacted in individual/entity levies, and the distributions made subsequently, help establish the equilibrium of the society as a whole, in our efforts for equalizing the per capita allocation of the basic resources.  It is the lifeblood of the righteous creation of Universal Inheritance.

84.  Deferring, however, to the values of creativity and hard work, 90% share of the world’s gross worth is attributed to human efforts, while the imputed valuation of the natural resources is held to only 10% of the total. The split at the levels indicated is also a suggestion, based on practicality, to make the funding for UI is realizable in the not too distant future and its functions correspondingly operational.  In making it so, we cut off the funds at the margins of stringency (held collectively for individual distribution) and institute the disincentives against inertia and stagnation, making them really painful.  Importantly, the UI seeks means of sufficiency mainly for creating realizable opportunities for each, as needed (leaving, however, no one out), to earn for ourselves with effort and resolution, the standards of decency in life.  UI functions also as a “Last Resort” to bring comfort and dignity in the lives of the infirm and helpless.  The link of progress to civility is therefore affirmed.

85.Though centered in economics, the UI Services (the organization) encompasses all, socially so, in making us live together more happily, and psychologically so, in helping us keep the balance in life. Ultimately, the UI’s purpose of existence is the creation of a way of life in which sovereignty asserts, and within which it becomes a sacred covenant of each of us, among us ourselves on a bold path that fulfills Abraham Lincoln’s immortal words, “Democracy is of the people, by the people, for the people.” We implement the true sovereignty of the people when as individuals and citizens of the world at large, each of us will have, as minimum, what we need for sustenance – through work, fairness and equity. It is also geared to the fuller development of one’s potential.  And, the right to it will not be at the auction block at any price or left it to the mercy of anyone or anything else.  Critically the weak or the infirm are included in the sacred covenant.  In affirming UI’s mission, let us move resolutely forward together, accepting no compromises or exceptions.

86.  As we launch the media initiatives, the work also begins in organizing ourselves into the respective levels of the Universal Inheritance locals (UI locals), or nicknamed You and I locals (UI locals), the Regional Inheritance networks (RI networks), and the Universal Core Group (UCG), which together constitute the worldwide organizational complex, named the Universal Inheritance Services (UIS). In sum, 100,000 UI locals of 100,000 people each (50,000 – 150,000), at Tier I make up the global UI locals.  RI networks at Tier II are groupings of UI locals and, within Tier II, several levels of groupings are suggested, for increased coordination, as given below:

*      RI networks at level A (10 U&I locals each; 500,000 – 1,500,000 people each);

*     RI networks at level B (100 U&I locals each or 10 RI networks at level A each; 5,000,000 – 15,000,000 people each);

*    RI networks at level C (1,000 U&I locals each or 10 RI at level B each:    50,000.000 – 150,000,000 people each); and,

*     RI networks at level D (10,000 UI locals each or 10 RI networks at level C each; 500,000,000 – 1,500.000,000 people each).

At Tier III, the Universal Core Group (UCG) is the integral link of the UI locals among themselves, and to the organization as a whole (UIS), through the successive filters (in both directions) of the different levels of the RI networks.  The organization (UI Services) extends to encompass the world population as a whole (which is expected to be stabilized at 10 billion), living in a land area of 58 million square miles/149 million square kilometers (surface area including the oceans of 197 million square miles/510 million square kilometers).

87.  The Universal Core Group (UCG) maintains an overview of the functions of all units, adjudicating the issue if any on the respective boundaries, on the areas specified within the lateral and longitudinal coordinates, ensuring as well the population densities as required, set within the margins of acceptability, as indicated above. It is also responsible for all basic documents (the articles of agreement, the bylaws, and the set of manuals on operations, finance, organization, administration, human resources and programming and budgeting).  Integral to the manuals and their subsets would be the respective policy and procedures that govern the actions taken.

88.  In addition to the primary responsibility for its own basic documents, UCG is to extend its help in preparing the same for the units in the other tiers in order to make it certain the consistency of the provisions of the one unit with the other, including of it to itself, the central unit.  No hierarchical relationship, however, exists between the UCG and the other units, or among these units themselves, irrespective of their groupings.  Forging the bonds of partnership, for accomplishing the common purpose of the mission, the units instituted rely on persuasion and reasoning vis-à-vis the others, not on imposed authority, in the way business is conducted.

89.  Setting aside technicalities and occasional conflicts, all units, irrespective of their genera, are to be capable, by design, to function independently to the extent necessary for the benefit of their respective constituencies.  But given the loftier common objectives, the gives and takes inevitably are part of the equation.  Systemically, the inputs flow in both directions between the units, regardless of the stratifications – to reflect on the different facets of their functions ranging the gamut from operations to programming and budgeting.  A mechanism of incentives and disincentives, implemented through the P&B processes is expected to facilitate the reaching of the goals.

90.  At this point, getting the units established for carrying out the work program becomes our primary concern. The initial requirements include the establishment costs, the working capital and the reserves for contingencies. They apply equally to all the units of the various tiers that comprise the organization.

91. At Tier II, however, the creation of RI networks could be delayed, for the time being, as they need to be functioning, basically, following the establishment of the local UIs. Additionally, in putting off the expenditures, the structural arrangement of the networks, to the various levels of the increasingly larger groupings, permits the greater set-up formations at each of the respective levels.  Although for the urgent needs we could put some faith in the contributions of the foundations etcetera, it is not a reliable way to plan our activities.

92.  Within the context, in the initial phases, we are likely to be compelled to an “as-and-when” needed approach in securing the sources of funding, as against advanced spending mode for reaching the readiness in seizing the opportunities to move ahead that is typical of the settled entities.  Evidently, the restricted spending applies not just in regard to setting up the offices but the other necessities as well.  Regardless, as we focus on the needs, no plan or effort could be spared in building up the membership of the Universal Inheritance Services (UIS).

93.  For most of us it could come in the initiation into it through the UI locals.  Incidentally, the membership dues are likely to be the largest source of funds for many a unit, in paying for the immediate expenditures.  In a self-supporting mode of operations – caring for the old, weak, sick or the very young, including the head-start programs – could be the means for securing the financial requirements for the work ahead.  Beyond it, the processes help us to come together as we move with plan and resolution to meet the challenges, especially of the capitalization requirements and the follow-up for fulfilling the organization’s service obligations.

94.  Once set up as stopgaps in the spontaneity of the movement, the units begin without delay the work in establishing their bona fides for existence. The processes involve sooner or later all the units, ranging the whole spectrum, from Tier I through the levels of Tier II to UCG at Tier III.  Although it is entirely possible for different teams to spring up and work independently toward the goals, either at the apex worldwide jurisdiction or the network/local tiers, while the activities could fall within the same specified locations or cross over to adjacent areas.

95.  As regards the above, several options should be on the table for securing the considered units the recognition to represent the given constituency, within the respective boundaries.  Constitutional convention, elections, referenda or emerging consensus – expressed or tacit – depending on the circumstances, would be the means for recognition.

96.  In the ways to the end, the fact remains that the overall objectives are common and we could work competitively among ourselves, while building up consensus in advancing the causes.  Fundamental to it is the total commitment to “equity en masse” (as President Clinton eloquently coined the term) within the UIS, as no one is bestowed undue advantage over no other.  Service is service as our leaders become truly servants of the people, as they earn the badges the humble way, not as ministers or potentates.

97.  Keeping the organization lean and efficient is the bedrock of budgeting. For us here, the challenge is of the highest order, because the work ahead is unending, while the resources at our disposal for carrying it out, particularly in the early years could hardly be lesser.  The urgency of the call, considering our situation, is to hold the budget closer to zero, except for the unavoidable out-of-pocket expenditures.  Even such bumps could be smoothed out for the vehicle on good shock absorbers connected to the wheels, as we follow the road.

98.  Quite simply, hardly anything would be paid even for the cream of the crops, picked from the larger pool of volunteers to run the places. In addition, it also entails that the volunteers themselves absorb the incidentals either collectively or individually.  It would be the mode of functioning at least for a period of five years, which could be extended to a term, possibly for a further five-year period.

99.  Although no contractual obligation is entered into with the personnel on compensation, as and when the units become sufficiently solvent to function independently, consideration in all fairness is to be given to credit the value of the services to those involved or to their heirs as assigned.  It could be done on an amortization schedule or on terms otherwise appropriate.  But, fundamentally, in keeping up with the spirit of the UIS, as volunteers move to career positions, when new or vacant positions are filled, the base salaries would be the same for all staff (recognizing, however, the variations due to seniority), regardless of the echelons, perhaps from CEO to courier (allowance for overtime work falls outside the circumscription).

100.  Working for any of the units of UIS is basically service – both in letter and spirit – as the policy in effect and the system implemented thereof would preclude the avenues to prevent wealth personally through a career in the organization. Subsequent to the maturity of the entity, hopefully, decency in the compensation to the staff is expected to become the norm, not the exception for service.

101.  Material resources, though matter much in what we do, their impact could be made greater – doubled, tripled or increased even several fold in terms of the costs and the benefits – depending upon the worth of human  inputs, the standards of which we set and meet for ourselves. The premium it imposes on the society in going out and finding, persuading and securing the services of the best possible for the task at hand, is well worth the price, considering its immense benefit to the world without borders.  The glory of accomplishment in the call for service is its enduring reward, in a more just world, as personal gains of power or riches fade in value and esteem.

102.  The programming budgeting processes have been integrated in the genesis of the movement. The “stopgaps” (units in formation) emerge from it are to facilitate the accomplishment of the goals. As the processes  establish their hold while the “stopgaps” develop into the units of “constituting authority” for the UIS (the organization as a whole), the attention focuses on a coherent synergy of integration in interdependence, as the units of the “constituting authority” themselves become the constituents of the new organization, but keeping functionally their respective identities.

103.  In order to enable it to advance the perspective, P&B (the department that is entrusted with the responsibility for carrying out the functions) for all practical purposes – become part of the nucleus in each of the more than hundred thousand units, which constitute the Universal Inheritance Services.  Interdependence is made a tool of integration as it is geared to strength and performance, not collectively only but individually as well.  In the profession of P&B, in making everyone a winner – leaving no one a loser – we should have the best of the best on the staff.  It brings head and heart together in the epitome of performance. This responsibility belongs to the teams of “dyed-in-wool men and women of knowledge, skills, independence and integrity in a broad array of specializations that characterize the thrust of the endeavor, making them truly the microcosm of the UIS.

104.  At front and center, as the units come on board, would be the capitalization requirements of the UIS, which incorporate the means-based “determinability” of them, individually for the units of the organization, adding up the total as set. It cannot be equated in any way to the microscopically smaller provisions in the administrative budgets of the units. Such necessities are to be covered through a variety of ingenious ways as touched before, particularly in the early years, not leaving out the options of resorting to the use of reserves, funded mainly through the membership dues of the preparatory periods.  As and when UIS reaches financial security, the administrative budget, however, would be moved into the mainstream treasury funds, though it should be kept, ideally at no higher than 1% of the financial commitments of the respective years.

105.  The capitalization requirements for the UIS, the organization as a whole total to $100 trillion (in constant 2007 US dollars). As it is the level of corpus to be maintained, the funding need for the operations – $10 trillion annually – is to come not as a deduction from the endowment but mainly from income, generally from the investments. The respective requirements should as a minimum amount to 10% of each, of the world’s net worth at 1 quadrillion, or its annual income estimated at $100 trillion.  Mobilizing the funds at the level indicated, no doubt, is a behemoth of a challenge.

106.  Regardless, the preciousness of the mission makes us move forward with an unwavering heart and steady steps.  Our noble objective is to make the inheritance truly the reality – the birthright to an opportunity at life that cannot be taken away.  Beg, borrow or steal – though not quite literally but figuratively and effectively so – is the paradigm shift of the strategy for its accomplishment.

107.  In order to make matters operational, it is necessary for us to invest/transfer 10% of our income to the UIS. It implies acceptance of the covenants indicating that we ceded to it 10% of the net worth as well.  Assuming for computational purposes 1:10 relationship between the income and net worth, we the concerned made the transfers from net worth that are equivalent to 10 times the value of the income-based allocations.

108.  But unlike the remittance from the income, the transfer from the net worth is indirect and it shows the status of the accumulation of the income transfers, which is stretched over the 10-year funding period (individually) for the capitalization of the UIS.  It is, however, callable sooner as needed – subject to the stipulations in the terms of the subscription.

109.  It is fair and square to ask us to set aside (invest) 10% of the income for allocation to the UIS, for as long as necessary (but, not exceeding 10 years, in negative outflow, hopefully, for each, now living and to come) for institutionalizing, in perpetuity, the operations. It is to be so, considering the immense benefits of the returns to us ourselves and to the generations that follow us, beginning for each after the completion of the 10-year period of capital subscription.

110. In it a bequest is handed down to all, from generation to generation as it is to be built up anew from one period to the next.  As no one would be left out, we all have a part in it and it is the future.  The initial remittances are likely to come voluntarily and whole-heartedly as we embark on the mission.  The confidences placed on us in them have value far beyond the level of the funds.  The sacrifices of each of us make us move forward collectively.  Humbly we honor all those involved actively as they become the founding fathers/mothers of the movement.

111..  The initial investments will have gotten it started and taken us perhaps to the mile marker. But, we have a long journey ahead.  Crucial to us at this point is the legislative agenda to have 10% of the income of all deducted – automatically from the source if possible – and deposited into the UIS capitalization account.  The “income” as defined here is the gross amount, before the tax obligations.  It is the people’s assessment but basically for themselves, for value addition through investments and more equitable redistribution of the proceeds and, as such, it takes precedence over even government imposed levies.

112. For wage- earners, consultants and contractual laborers or the others in similar categories – the assessment comes at the source of the receipts, on the gross base, before deductions.  Since no one is exempted, from the levy, it is extended, besides individuals and businesses – in equal terms to all governmental and non-governmental organizations (including the tax exempt international organizations, the churches – all religious entities – hospitals, foundations, universities/schools or any of the other non-profit organizations).

113.  As we know, the organizations listed above exist primarily to serve the people and, consequently, compliance to the requirements is expected, though not without persuasion.  Being basically non-profits, the assessment on them paradoxically is heavier as their “revenue” is subject to it at the same rate of 10%.

114.  For all the other entities including the corporations, other businesses – big or small – the levy would be on the net income, before the taxes.  But, if the charter of any of these entities precludes it from making profits or recording them so (including, for instance, IMF), it would be treated like a governmental organization and the levy would be on its “revenue.”

115.  Finally, as incumbent upon us, all those who have contributed voluntarily to the UIS, before the 10% deduction become the law of the land, will be given the appropriate credit in the book of accounts with the deepest gratitude acknowledged.  Note that the individual/entity specific details need to be kept for ensuring the transparency of the accounts.

116.   Hardest of the tasks at this point is the capitalization of the UIS at the suggested $100 trillion in constant 2007 US dollars. All units from Tier I to Tier III are involved in it; especially in whipping up public support for it and getting it enacted into the law in the respective Jurisdictions. It is of the utmost importance because only when the capital formation reaches the set level of $100 trillion, the UIS will be able to make the quantum leap from preparatory services to extend its support, in the full range of its activities, to reach out for each and all with money, materials and technical service, as appropriate.

117.  Although the capitalization couldn’t be used directly to cover the allocations of the UIS to the individual accounts, the income generated from it could be utilized for the required services and for fund transfers, as indicated; in contingency situations, even before the set capitalization level is reached.

118.  Further, the disposable income should help pay for the administrative expenses of the constituent units, which incidentally are to be held, as stipulated, at no more than 1% of the requirements for the operational services.  As we reach the stage when the funding for the administrative budget could come fully from own sources (investments/income-generating service setups), the membership dues that have covered some of the needs heretofore would be discontinued.

119.  All in all, the development should make the UIS – considering the source of funds – the self-sustaining entity, which we want it to be indefinitely.  If, however, the income (from the source of the budgets and the other avenues) varies from the needs including, importantly, the provision for maintaining the values at the agreed levels in constant terms for all the activities – keeping as well the corresponding parity in the true worth of the capital – the decision taken on increasing the resources or decreasing the level of services is to ensure the maintenance of the equilibrium.  Putting our faith in the efforts and meeting or exceeding the standards of performance, the UIS is destined to be the enduring legacy of excellence in the service for all.

120.    In putting together a plan of action, there is a need to be realistic of what is possible, given the circumstances, remaining nevertheless ambitious of the goals. Cautiously enough, but courageously as well, we have decided to launch the services –though only at a modest pace – simultaneously with the efforts for raising the capital requirements. But, it is unrealistic to expect the public to bear the burden of an additional levy for funding the costs of some needed services (beginning perhaps immediately), over and above the 10% levy we have already initiated on current income for an extended period for capital formation.  For the time being – until it is behind us and the flow of income from the different sources is regularized – the tasks pursued to cover the costs are to:

*    Encourage contributions to the service account: to facilitate the flow of funds, big or small (use the internet to the full extent); and,

*    Enact the measure and assign 10% of the proceeds of the estate of the deceased or the entity that winds up its operations to the credit of the account for the services.  (It is to become a permanent source also for helping to maintain the value of the capital in real terms.)

Though the hurdles get higher, comfortingly we are in it together, and we will go over them to victory.

121.   At this juncture, it is important for us to ensure that the legislative proposals are enacted and implemented. In addition, after exploring comprehensively the avenues before us and sorting out the opportunities, the steps taken are to move us forward efficiently to work completion.  On the legislative front, efforts should be mounted for the inclusion of the proposals in the platforms of the major political parties, with our insistence on a timetable for fulfilling the commitments. It would be helpful to the public to have the benefit of the organization’s judgement, in the selection and the voting for those among the candidates who could deliver the promises to us.

122.  Further, the follow-up activities involve the keeping of the records, and making them public – especially in the subsequent elections – holding feet to the fire of those involved – in getting the bills enacted. The work, however, cannot be completed unless we ensure that the civil, legislative and judicial branches of the government come together and become partners in the endeavor.  Tact and diplomacy could take us afar on the road.

123.    It being a grassroots effort, however, the initial focus will be on the local jurisdictions, in making each unit self-sufficient to the extent necessary, before its eventual integration into the global community. In it, on the major front, we will have the task of raising the resources moved forward substantially if the movement succeeded in bringing into the fold most of the “big guys” (corporations, churches, foundations, universities etcetera) in their compliance voluntarily to the suggestions, before the bills being proposed are enacted.  As public and private interests merge, crossing the bridge and joining the movement becomes more to one’s own enlightened self-interest than staying behind, despite the sacrifices.

124.  Until the UIS is able to wipe out absolute poverty from the face of the earth, its work critically will include the world-wide pooling of the resources, fixed at 10% of the source of the wealth, for extending technical assistance and transfer of funds, as appropriate, to give everyone – without exception – a fair share of the world’s bounty, and a decent chance to live comfortingly while working necessarily hard.

125.  Incidentally, once we have the capitalization behind us, the attention could shift more to the area of investments for generating the income that is needed to help substantially the funding of the new worthwhile initiatives.  Following the trail blazed by Eugene Rotberg at the World Bank, heavy borrowing – while reaching the rating for its bonds at the highest “AAA Level” – would be the way to expand and accelerate the operations.

126.  Further, in keeping the differential sufficiently high, between the return from the investments of the borrowings (for projects) and the cost of borrowings, Rotberg helped the operational departments to augment significantly the financial strength and the soundness of the institution.  As we establish the track record on it, we cross the threshold into the heart and soul of the function.  Fundamentally, for the UIS, its function is being the catalyst within us, in the substantive support we extend to one another – reminiscent of the colonists in their period of settlement in the New World –  and, in increasing self-application, in making each person more self-reliant, in order to ensure for one, one’s own sovereignty and happiness.

127.  Fundamentally for the UIS, the focus is on the individual. First and foremost, we pull together to uplift – psychologically, socially and economically – the disadvantaged among us. Putting up structured levels of opportunities for the continuing advancement of those of us at the short end, in an atmosphere of cordiality, respect and dignity – the program kicks off the operations for ensuring food, shelter and employment for the needy among us – while requiting from each, the rigor and discipline in the efforts, in pursuance of the objectives.

128.  It forms the foundation of caring and civility upon which the UIS reaches out to  everyone, at all levels, for the move to the higher grounds in helping us realize, with our individual strengths, one’s own potential.  On it,  the personnel profile that is prepared, ideally at individual requests, which after due deliberation and agreement of the involved,  would be the vehicle for counsel and for constructive allocation of funds from the collective resources.  Inherently, besides the uncompromising struggle for securing the basic necessities of life for all, the UIS values greatly the creative impulses and unequivocally supports healthy competition embedded in social consciousness, as it is the path to accomplishment and glory.  Regardless, help is rendered when it is sought or the need is obvious.

129.   Assuming a lifetime is hundred years, one could divide it into five scores, each of which reflecting progressively the distinct stages of our lives. Logistically, it allows brackets broad enough for the preparatory groupings of people on age-based commonalities of living.  Further it digs deeper, remaining within the sectors for determining efficiently the varied  needs of us, given also the reality of circumstances.  The requirement is to address with individual specificity for its proper attention.  Over it, the focus shifts from period to period as indicated below:

Age Group                        Stage

  • 0 – 19  Acquire education and develop the skills for survival;
  • 20 – 39  Earn a livelihood;
  • 40 – 59  Settle in life and enjoy living
  • 60– 79  Retire (rest, pleasure, humanitarian activities); and,
  • 80 +  Establish care (comforted, bequest, good-bye).

Putting philosophy at the top – meaning the seeking of guidance from our fundamental beliefs and values – bringing also the environment into the picture – the UIS is to prepare the individual profiles as warranted and chart out the course to be followed by each, as a suggestion, among the alternatives considered, for pursuing the desired ends.  Maintaining flexibility and keeping the options open is the way to move forward, realizing that “frustration, tears, heartbreaks and defeats are the ingredients that go into success.” On the work program, the responsibility for human resources development vests primarily with the UI locals.  But the units of all the other tiers come into the endeavor – not as substitutes for the primary units but as complements, in a coherent synergy of greater impact for the benefit of all.

130.  The UI locals at Tier I, the RI networks at each of the levels A, B, C, and D at Tier II, and UCG at Tier III are put together to constitute UIS in such a way that each of the  groupings (A,B,C, or D) within Tier II, represent the world’s population in its totality. To illustrate, the  groupings, either individually or collectively of all the tiers, encompass all of us – actually the world population that is expected to be stabilized at 10 billion (with considerable effort – ruling out, of course, undesirable means – going into it).

131.  The grouping of the groupings at ascending order in effect yields the same base for the respective groupings separately or collectively, in integration, for the UIS organization as a whole.  It underscores the interdependence among the units – within and across all the three tiers – to become fully functional, as they emerge one by one over a period of several years – basically from the efforts within their respective communities – starting, virtually, independently and becoming increasingly self-reliant, while struggling as well to come together and become truly one indivisible organization for the glory of humankind.

132.  Consistent with the above, the UIS may assign the responsibility for each of the major functions, individually and separately, to one or the other of the respective groupings. Although each of them would hold the principal responsibility for a main function, all the tier groups work in collaboration with one another on all the major tasks, assuming the supporting function as well, as appropriate, for each other.  Paradoxically, they are also expected to compete, healthily, in the performance of the tasks for the greater overall benefit.   (Apart from it, basically in their formation: Tier I units will have their functional concentration on the lots of the individuals, Tier III will have its focus on the creation of a global environment in support of the work of the Tier I units and, at Tier II, the respective groupings within it put up the columns and pillars of the bridge between the other two tiers, ensuring the support in the struggle for reaching the objectives of the endeavor.)

133.  In regards to the assignment of the portfolios, the suggestions are given below:

Tier I, UI Locals:  Human resources development would be the main function of the group.  On a one-on-one basis, the units are to reach out to the people, as necessary and, after taking into account all relevant factors, help the individuals concerned to chart out a realistic plan of activities for the accomplishment of the goals.  In following up, it updates the plan as required, taking into account the circumstances, providing counseling and comfort as well as technical assistance, and the material help as appropriate.  But the program could make an impact en masse only if we are able to create an environment in partnership with governmental and non-governmental entities, including importantly the academe.  But as we move, we need to become dependent less on individual interaction and more on social structures for building up lives.  As the UIS endeavors to bring about a level playing field and a realistic opportunity to make good for each and all, the ultimate responsibility for realizing the goals rest nevertheless with each of us individually, as it could not be assumed by anyone else.

Tier II, RI Networks: Creating accessible opportunities would be the main function of the group.  Making profitable investments in eco-friendly worthwhile projects and complementing simultaneously private and public sectors – the networks should be able to create enough and more jobs for placing appropriately practically anyone – over time – who wants to be employed.

Tier III, UCG: Protecting and invigorating the sources of the renewable natural resources would be the main function of the unit.  Putting the focus on breathable air, drinkable water and arable land, UCG is to take the lead role in recycling waste, and planting trees, while reducing the industrial pollutants in the air, water and land – for cleaning up the environment.  As the custodian of natural resources, its reach extends to all facets of human activities including agriculture, horticulture, livestock, fish farming, health services, sources of energy and, importantly, space exploration. In all of the above, involving all the three tiers, UIS functions basically to fill the gaps and complement the work of other two sectors – not in any way in its cut-throat substitution – as it moves forward in its uncompromising quest for a fairer and more just world for us and our children.

134.  In order to move us in a visible way with cheer and enthusiasm, as a foreboding of things to come, the UIS units are encouraged to undertake, besides its main functions, the projects below:

*          A walkway across the world, to be constructed by the UI locals;

*          Inland waterways crisscrossing the globe, connecting especially the landlocked areas, to flow into the seas, to be put up by the RI networks; and,

*          Ferries and bridges are to connect the walkways and the inland waterways (to be taken up by the respective RI Networks), with its coordination function entrusted in the UCG.

The above undertakings are to help us live together a little more happily, bringing all of us together.

135..  In funding the administrative expenses and the preparatory services, the UIS will have to depend largely on the membership dues, endowments and the income-generating services, especially in the initial years. Its main responsibility vests in the UI locals at Tier I.  Each of these units is to keep 90% of such funds for its own requirements, and pass on the remaining 10% to the Level A units of the respective RI networks at Tier II.  The allocation process continue at the same rates (90% of the receipts kept for the unit’s own needs while 10% passed on) through the RI levels  B, C, D of Tier II and up to UCG of Tier III, where the residual funds received are kept for its own expenditures.  Barring contingency situations, the funds need not be passed on further.

136.  But when the capitalization of the UIS is completed (including adjustments for maintaining its value at parity to the yield from the rates stipulated, compared to the current income and net worth), the processes reverse as the flow of funds begins from the UCG to the Tiers I and II, on the income that is generated from the investments and, from the continued assessment of those still on, or joining the 10-year (basic) pay-in period of the UIS. Generally, upon reaching age 20, one with earnings/income is induced into the program and is subject to the levy at 10% of the gross income for the full 10 years, in gainful employment/income generating capacity.  Note that the capital mobilization as well as its custodial and investment functions rest basically in the UCG.  The income from the aforementioned sources therefore move from Tier III to the various levels of Tier II and to the units of Tier I, reversing as well the ratio of the receipts kept from 90% to 10%, and the funds passed from 10% to 90%.  The “assessment” and the capital sources of funds interlock in the way suggested to bring the benefits of the flow increasingly to the service bases of Tiers I and II.  Adjustments to the above are made as necessary to ensure all income (except reserves for contingency, and funds for administrative budgets, including the related capitalization requirements), reach, ultimately, as benefits in our respective individual accounts.

137.  Although the UI Locals and the RI Networks are service units, they are not precluded from initiating projects or holding interests in business setups, provided it is carried out to shore up its service base, in accordance with the policy and procedures in place that govern such initiatives. In addition, in maintaining fully the service orientation of the entities, the proceeds have to be transferred to the UCG, in pooling the resources in the central accounts. The funds from the UCG will filter from the normal channels of the RI Networks, down to the UI Locals to ensure the set standards of parity on a worldwide basis in the distribution of available funds to people.  Normally the units are not rewarded or penalized for the results of the auxiliary activities that necessitated in discharging their functions, as they remain the service entities as intended.

138.  The organization is to invest its resources prudently, balancing conservatively the risks and returns. The investments need to be diversified with global outreach, giving attention to the sectors of the economy that are of particular relevance in sustaining the organizational objectives. In developing a comprehensive approach to money management, the UCG is not precluded ( even in its formative stages) from initiating its own projects or channeling funds to the sister units for their enterprises, provided the standards set for performance (with the World Bank assistance) are not lowered, and they remain the same for all the constituent units of the UIS.

139.  About the bearing of the present on the future, the situation as it develops is studied for making the moves for improving the results. As part of our working assumptions for launching the endeavor, we imputed the valuation of $100 trillion in 2007 dollars for the natural resources of the world – though the true value of the wealth is inestimable.  It is equated to our collective ownership of the endowment of our habitat.  It is entrusted in the UIS for the protection and enhancement of its value for the benefit of all, on equal per capita terms, in perpetuity.  Its base value, however, is placed minimally at 10% of the net worth of the world, leaving the bulk of the wealth – 90% – for the satisfaction of the other interests and concerns. Under the circumstances, it is necessary for us to validate the assumptions periodically as required and make the adjustments for improvements.  The work should proceed accordingly to reach the ends.

140.  Understandably, in making the move, we repossessed only the minimum, for correcting the gross anomalies that have accumulated over the centuries, mainly due to greed. When we succeeded in restoring some of the equilibrium to the tilted scales, in the balance of life itself, while ensuring the means for survival for all and, a chance for each to do better, we will have accomplished substantially, the objectives of the UIS.   We will build one UI Local at a time if it becomes necessary as the series expand and encompass the whole world.

141.  As the units become established, they come together in union, without regard to national boundaries, under UIS umbrella.  Although no one waits for no one, before making the move to join the union, our success in achieving a more perfect union leaves no margin in leaving anyone in any corner of the world out.  As membership in UIS is a birthright, it is our obligation to secure it for each and all. It is expected to be within our reach by 2027. Realistically, however, we would be still a decade away, to the end of 2037, when we could have the organization in place, to have all its constituents functioning under one umbrella.

142.  Within the following decade, by 2047, the goal is to reach a shift in the distribution of the income – not just in the aggregates but individually as well, uplifting also those in the short end – from its current estimated base of 80% of the income in the hands of 20% of the people, and 20% for 80% of the rest to: 50% to each of both the groups, in the present 20% and 80% subsets of the total population.

143.  The challenge before us is to make the means to the ends as the ends themselves. The social and psychological uplifting of the people en masse, is the sure and steady path to the financial security in the objectives.  The struggle before us in getting it done is unprecedented as it involves all, in an unyielding no-holds-barred endeavor, on a set schedule, as the goals are reached.  Accepting, however, the limitations of us in this world which preclude perfection, the balance we establish in life seeks to transfer adversaries to friends, overcome hurdles for survival and, transform sufferings into happiness.

144..  While nature fortunately puts limits in our physical needs of hunger, sleep or sexual urges, it is not extended unfortunately to the mental realm of some acute problem areas, including virtually limitless craving for more wealth, power or status. As it is reined in, individually on one’s own volition and, collectively so, within the wisdom of the society as a whole, the balance in our lives strengthened – the critical step towards happiness – as we build our abodes in a less polarized, more egalitarian world.



Table 1: 10-Year Pay-in Period Hypothetical Scenario)

UIS: Capital Formation ($billion)

Accumulation (at 10% compounded, 2017 dollars)

End-year          Deposit          Years          Accumulation

2028                 $6,275             1                 $6,275

2029                   6,275             2                 13,177

2030                   6,275             3                 20,769

2031                   6,275             4                 29,121

2032                   6,275             5                 38,307

2033                   6,275             6                 48,413

2034                   6,275             7                 59,529

2035                   6,275             8                 71,756

2036                   6,275             9                 85,207

                                       2037                 6,275              10             100,000

Note:  Assumes all units (111,111) functioning by 2037 (10-year pay-in period)

Figures above rounded.  Deposits may vary, adjustments as appropriate are

to keep the equivalency in value (in constant 2007 dollars)


Table 2: 20-Year Pay-in Period (Realistic Scenario)

UIS: Capital Formulation ($billion)

 Accumulation (at 10% compounded, 2017 dollars)

End-year          Deposit          Years          Accumulation

2028                $3,492                1                $3,492

2029                  3,492                2                   7,333

2030                  3,492                3                 11,559

2031                  3,492                4                 16,206

2032                  3,492                5                 21,319

2033                  3,492                6                 26,943

2034                  3,492                7                 33,129

2035                  3,492                8                 39,934

2036                  3,492                9                 47,420

2037                  3,492              10                 55,653

2038                  3,492              11                 64,711

2039                  3,492              12                 74,674

2040                  3,492              13                 85,633

2041                  3,492              14                 97,688

2042                  3,492              15               110,950

2043                  3,492              16               125,537

2044                  3,492              17               141,581

2045                  3,492              18               159,231

2046                  3,492              19               178631

 2047                  3,492              20              200,000

Note:  Above figures are rounded


Planning:  Assumes all units (111111) established by 2047, the 20-Year Capital Formation Period (2028 – 2047).  Once included in the UIS, the pay-in period for each entity/individual, however, is held to 10 years, in fulfilling the basic capital subscription obligation (before beginning for the individuals the eligibility for the receipt of the returns from the UIS); unless the lump sum/scheduled installment option of equivalency is opted (for those at 65 or over) .  The 10% levy on the earnings, however, could continue for a lifetime, depending upon the needs of the organization to keep its assets and liabilities in balance.  The value of the subscribed capital is to be held in perpetuity at 10% of the total world’s worth.  It, for instance, moves up from $100 trillion in 2007 dollars to $200 trillion (its estimated equivalent in 2017 dollars), assuming an overall inflation rate of 7.2% per annum.  The annual investment return for UIS is expected to be at 10% (in real terms), helping to minimize the subscription base for reaching the capital requirements.  Note that the figures shown for earlier years are notional as it takes the UIS the needed build-up period to become an efficiently functioning organization. (Levies of entities are likely to continue indefinitely, beyond the 10-year pay-in period, as an insurance for ensuring the viability of UIS operations, over and above the margins of error, in the standards set.)


  Key Assumptions

(a) The world’s population will not exceed 10 billion as efforts afoot are to stabilize it at or below that level indefinitely for the future (not resorting to undesirable means).

(b)  The Universal Inheritance Services (UIS) will be launched at the end of 2027 (funding fully accounted for), and it will reach its goal of capitalization at $100 trillion (one-tenth of the world’s worth in 2007 US dollars) or $200 trillion (its estimated equivalent in 2017 dollars). The 1:10 ratio of it capitalization to the world’s worth is to be maintained in perpetuity.

(c) The operations of the UIS will help catapult the global economic growth to 7% annually for the foreseeable future, perhaps from end-2027 onwards; being organized for introducing a new “Individual Sector” into the economy, encompassing the globe, the return from the investments of the UIS itself (within the global economy) is expected to be about three percentage points higher.

(d)  Regardless of the existing stratifications in the society, UIS will reach out individually for all, leaving out none.  Apart from services extended, funds accumulated over the above capital requirements are to be credited equally to the trust accounts of each, recurrently so as of the beginning of each year, including all on record as confirmed by the respective life certificates, updated correspondingly.

(e)  The UIS, however, will endeavor to help shift the distribution of the world’s wealth, within the first half of the 21st century, from its estimated present base of 80% of it in the hands of 20% of the people and the rest of it (20%) for 80% of the population, to a fairer 50% share to each of the top and the bottom (tier) groupings.

(f)  Following established procedures, funds being held in the trust accounts of the deceased will be transferred to the capital account mainly for maintaining the value of the capital in real terms at the prescribed level. The excess if any is to be returned to the common pool for redistribution to the active individual account holders.

(g)  The account holders will have the discretion to move funds out of the unrestricted part of their respective trust accounts.  Although initially all funds transferred into the trust accounts are to be held in the restricted part of the account, they move at the appropriate levels to the available part of it, either automatically (upon meeting satisfactorily the 10-year pay-in obligation for the capital subscription) or selectively so, subject to the rules and procedures that govern the contingency situation in one’s life.

(h)  The UIS will build up its service base, complementing its own resource transfers.  Such support could precede or follow the flow of funds, depending upon the circumstances.  In making the move to secure financial stability, individually for all within an atmosphere of cordiality, enhancing self-reliance is the route to be followed for maximizing the advantage of the changing environment. In it, social and psychological uplifting become synonymous with the objectives of the mission.

(i)  As the UIS introduces the new “Individual Sector,” it will compete in healthy ways alongside the established private and public sectors, in all spheres of the economy.  Its operations include (importantly) conservation, food and nutrition, shelter, education, health services, energy, communications, transportation, industry and infrastructure.

(j)  While promoting a code of conduct for behavior and the settlement of disputes, in an emerging more livable environment, it is to limit its wealth, secured individually and collectively for all, at 10% of the total of the global wealth.  It distributes as mentioned before, the income from part or all of its operations – the proceeds that exceed the stipulated 10% for value maintenance of the capital – individually to all (subject to the terms) as living on record, as of the end of the distribution period.

Note:  The elimination of paper currency, in preference to the new modality for recordkeeping – for ensuring a trail of all financial transactions – cannot be put off for long.  Full utilization of the fiduciary functions of the treasury/banks is needed.  In keeping all matters above board (besides putting an end for good the counterfeiting of money).  On top of adding a host of benefits to the exchequer (e.g., tax collection) and to the common man (in the utilization of such funds for the needed services), it is to help us realize the UIS goals, sooner than later (the credit/debit cards, of course, could fill in, to some extent the needs for change, overcoming most of the inconveniences, especially in the transition period ; I-owe coupons, hopefully could also pick up the slack).  Importantly, the financial reports produced correspondingly, in consistency with the new move, should show the sources and application of funds with respect to income and net worth for individual /entity, as appropriate (restricted disclosure).

UIS: Contextual References

  1. Sovereignty: Freedom and means, through the opportunity to work and earn a decent livelihood – establishing as well discretion in the use of resources – constitute it.
  2. Safety net: The provision for it for the neediest and infirm, however, is an integral part of the requirements.
  3.  World’s worth (repeated) :  Imputed at $1 quadrillion, its valuation is divided between those for “natural resources” and “man-made enhancements.”  Although the true value of the world’s natural endowment is priceless and inestimable – encompassing land, water and air and everything that comes with it – its worth is underestimated intentionally at $100 trillion (2007 US dollars), as its valuation is limited to the raw materials that typically go into product/services.  The purpose is to establish a reasonable assessment on the actual utilization of the raw materials at the levels indicated, not on the overall base, for extending an equitable credit to industry, while we also solemnly affirm and assert that the natural resorts constitute the treasure of the birth-based bequest to us and, accordingly, a reasonable levy on the utilization of the assets held privately or publicly is due and owed to each .
  4. Capitalization (amortization of requirements/obligations): If the total of the annual assessments (made and paid) of an entity (or an individual) over a period of 10 years exceeded one-tenth of its net worth at the end of the tenth year, it means that the entity (or the individual) has fulfilled its basic obligation to pay into the capitalization for Universal Inheritance.  If the ten-year payments fell short of the aforementioned requirement, additional assessments on a schedule as appropriate would be made for settling the account. Apart from the above, the assessment is expected to continue for life (both for individuals and entities), for UIS value maintenance at 10% of the global wealth.
  5. Budgeting – Programming and Budgeting Corporation (P&B): Incorporated in Maryland on May 18, 1988, with its headquarters at Kensington, a suburb of Washington D.C. , functioned for more  than  three decades without reporting any expenditures.  Although it hadn’t intended to claim a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records, the Corporation filed its tax returns every year since its beginning and, showing no expenses, paid the taxes due each and every year.  Though this is true, the remittances remained microscopic on its meager income.
  6. The Universal inheritance services (UIS): The organization as suggested consists of 111111 units.  At Tier I, there are 100,000 You and I Locals (UI Locals); at Tier II of the Regional Inheritance Networks (RI Networks), the levels A, B, C, and D include 10,000 RI Networks at level A, 1,000 RI Networks at level B, 100 RI Networks at level C, and 10 RI Networks at level D; and at Tier III, we have the one and only central unit: The Universal Core Group (UCG),
  7. Success: The quote is extracted from the speech of our valedictorian of the class of 1961 at the commencement exercises of the University of San Francisco.  It is as recalled, perhaps not verbatim.  The words remained a treasure in my heart for the years since my graduation.  It has come to my rescue, in my trials and tribulations. (Frustration, tears, heartbreaks and defeats are the ingredients that go into success.)

 Off We Go:  Beginning Move to a Journey of Thousand Miles                            

Objective:  No one should be born, live or die as an orphan ever again.  Abraham Lincoln’s immortal words underlying democracy, “government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth,” sums up the need for our prayer.  Presently, the core principles of government includes: “rule of law,” “freedom of press,” and “elected government.” Though the need for means of survival is understood within them, it lacked expression. Addressing it, going from its pillars of support from three to four, we have filled this glaring gap. It added to the body of core principles, our own “Universal Inheritance.” It manifests itself in the creation of a new “Individual Sector,” to the existing private and public spheres of the economy.

Beginning:  In remembering Robert S. McNamara, the fifth president of the World Bank (1968 – 1981), our activities began in earnest on June 9, 2016.  It was an auspicious day to launch an arduous drive as the day marked the 100th birthday of him (our proposal on UIS was submitted then to the current President of the Bank and to the Board). In guiding the Bank in its golden era, in the thirteen years at its helm, his leadership (mission) made the difference for the better for many a million in the developing world and, indirectly, in the developed as well.  (It did its part, perhaps in a humble way, to prevent World War III.)  On the above, gratefully, we acknowledged the responses from UK and Canada.

Anchoring Memory (McNamara’s Passing):  He passed away in 2009 (on July 6), at age 93.  I had been in touch with him a month earlier. It was an opportunity to convey birthday greetings to him (on June 9th).  Further, on the work ahead in reviving the institution’s past glory, the pledge to him upheld the utilization of the P&B Processes, which McNamara himself had invented, while he was teaching budgeting at Harvard University.  He thanked me with a grateful heart. Aside from it, the infamous Bank reorganization lodged a bullet in us, in the heart.

At the time, in its aftermath, when about 500 staff members left the place, I wrote with an aching heart (being one among them): “Did we throw in the towel and leave the place?”  On the lighter side, I noted that the Programming and Budgeting Department (P&B) of the World Bank is now a corporation, incorporated in Maryland, an adjacent state to Washington D.C., the nation’s capital, where the World Bank itself is located.  The Bank will be restored to its glory, with relevance and impact in an expanding economy for a finer and just world. P&B, hopefully, will have a meaningful role, at least initially, in making our efforts airworthy.

P&B’s soul:  It finds its inner life in the greats who have staffed the Department.  Not merely stepping up to what they have already accomplished, but further on its bearing to what needs to be completed urgently to maximize the effort towards the achievement of goals. Not resting on the laurels, they risked everything, even their own careers, for the good of the Bank and the service extended to all peoples. Pressed for time, their brief breaks or a few breathers that come on the way to vending machines for a coke, provided the opportunity to dwell on deficiencies in the past, for correcting them, and reinforce the resolve and work to reach the ends set.  The environment McNamara laid, turned out to be the cushion in smoothing out the bruises from the bumps on the road. P&B’s continued existence (as a corporation) to this day comes from it.

Allow me to detour a bit, bringing in the thoughts, retrospectively so, of a few in P&B’s managerial ranks:

  • Paul Bowron: In the early 70s, he was the chief of the Budget and Operations Review Division.  Upon McNamara’s passing he wrote to me (forgive me for repeating it):  “I imagine you were much saddened by the passing of Mr. McNamara.  No person I can think of within the past few decades has had influences, both good ones, and, unfortunately, bad ones, on greater numbers of world’s peoples, than him.  The World Bank and its borrowers and their people certainly benefited enormously from his leadership.  McNamara did more for the world, for good or bad, than anyone else in recent memory.”
  • Eugene H. Rotberg: During McNamara’s time at the World Bank, Rotberg served the institution as its vice president and treasurer.  On the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Bank’s beginning (July 2004), not the day it opened the doors for business (June 25, 1946), he sent a letter to the staff and alumni. He reminded them: “We will not likely be remembered by name.  But – like those writers and painters and thinkers before you – your work will have had an enormous beneficial effect in the future, on the lives of hundreds of millions of humanity who did not know you:
  • Less infant mortality
  • Cleaner water
  • Hope for a better life
  • A feeling of being productive
  • Food, light, mobility, education
  • An awareness of the possibility of beauty and fairness
  • Less violence, less terror.

“Tens of millions, because of what you have done, will sing Verdi’s VaPensiero from Nabucco – a song of hope and freedom. … My team at the Bank included those from Iran, Iraq, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Egypt.  They worked with each other and loved each other.  That is multiplied a thousand-fold at the Bank.  It gives the lie to those who argue that the gulfs and antagonisms are too great to address. A Final remembrance:  You (McNamara) often remarked that the Greeks, just 300 of them, made an enormous difference in the world, and affected civilizations for millennia to come.  You suggested if 300 Greeks could do it, why couldn’t we at the World Bank make a similar difference.  As the vice president and treasurer of the Bank, I did not believe that.  I remember arguing that the Greeks were almost the entire world at the time, and we at the Bank were but a small cog with uncertain influence.  But you protested that we could make a difference.  I was reminded of a poem by Robert Herrick, the 17th century English poet:

“She by the river sat, and sitting there,

She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.”

That was your lesson.  He too spoke for you.”

  • Ernest Stern: In closing out his term in the Bank (a few years prior to it), McNamara made Ernest Stern the Senior Vice President of the Bank’s Operations Complex (number two only to the President himself). His life epitomized the Bank’s operations in the field, especially in the understanding and maturity he contributed in the development of his staff, in their dealings with the member country and its people, in the evolving phase of identifying and becoming one with them. Ernest Stern wrote to me, after reading my book (World Bank and Beyond: Memoir and a Proposal): “I thank you for your kind note accompanying the book. I did my best to ensure that the Bank, and its staff functioned in the high standard of knowledge and understanding required in assisting in the developing countries, while recognizing and appreciating the many changes in technology, practices and institutions that this involved in a world which even then was beginning to change more rapidly than we understood.  And while the Bank was but one of many trying to support these efforts, under McNamara we were one of the major financial and intellectual contributors to the transformation of the “underdeveloped countries” into the “developing countries.”  It is fascinating, and satisfying, to see the scope of the change over the last 20-30 years and also the capacity of these countries to continue to grow and prosper.”

The aforementioned from three of the Bank’s eminent gives us a glimpse of the institution’s potential in helping us implement “Universal Inheritance.”

If we succeed in securing The Bank’s partnership on it, quite simply the world will not be the same (sooner perhaps by a decade than we could on our own).


First Set of Inputs (on the draft of the website, received within a few hours after dispatch)

From: Paul Bowron

A few suggestions about the draft text likely are nothing new for you, but here they are: I am imagining large-scale exposition via social media, Facebook for example, and non-US equivalents; Wikipedia and Google listings; links with Foundations like Gates; links with church websites.  You have possibilities this way of developing mass interest at little cost. For the purpose, you need to just a little more writing, based on principles and concepts already developed.

…..  (improving readability:  Readers should be able to “get it,” in just a few minutes the main ideas certainly, in just a few minutes even if only quickly scanning, some of course, hopefully many, will then want to have a deeper look.)

I am seeing in mainstream media from time to time these days, reporting about proposals for provision by govt. of basic minimum income to all persons.  Such movement naturally be coincident and mutually supportive with your project.  You might wish to acknowledge it somewhere in your writing.  I do not say for sure, but perhaps worth your consideration.

Best Regards as always,

Paul Bowron                                                                                                                                           (Head, Budget and Operations Review function,  and  architect, the World Bank’s Programming and Budgeting Processes, in the Bank’s  golden era:  1968-1981).

Response:  I can’t thank you enough for your suggestions.  You were our boss but you worked for all of us, never the other way around.  Many a time what could have gone into the trash you salvaged, making it precious as well.  You are doing the same for me even today.                                                                                    With much gratitude,                                                                                                                     Stanley (for P&B)

From: Dr. Almira Yusi-Len

Subject:  Draft Website                                                                                                           Stanley, I read part of it. Count us in.  Let us know when we can contribute 10% each.  Is it okay to share the website with Dr. Vaidy, and others?                                Very Jesus (Boots and Len)

Dr. Almira Yusi-Len                                                                                                                       (Chief, Spinal Chord Injury Unit ,VA Hospital, New York, retired)

Response:  I am acknowledging with much gratitude what you have written and done.  No one contributes anything to us, now or ever.  It is something to be institutionalized by law; the trust created for it should be managed initially either by the World Bank or IMF.  (I should make it perfectly clear in finalizing the website.)                                                                                                                                      Thanks a million, Stanley (for P&B)

From: Revi W. Panickaveetil

I never realized how the World Bank’s efforts helped prevent another World War. ……  One good thing about the proposal is  that it is like a bridge for both liberals and conservatives to find common ground by creating a new sector that works along with the public and private sectors , so that government involvement doesn’t impact the mission.

Take care, Revi W Panickaveetil                                                                                                    (book reviewer and writer)

Response:  You stated it  succinctly.  Our website will have it.   Thanks,                  Stanley (for P&B)

From: Sosanna Kuruvila

Congratulations                                                                                                                                    (Moral Support)

Sosanna Kuruvila                                                                                                                                 (editor, author)

From: Dr. Indira Pillay

My Take

I only did a speed read of the summary.  The rest will take days for me, since this is Not my area of expertise.  The ideas are revolutionary and very appealing to a small group of thinkers and intellectuals like you.  However, being an observer of world affairs, I can only think of it as an idea which will not be appealing to most.  As we have seen recently, income equality is increasing all over the world, except may be in Scandinavian countries.  Why don’t we look at Scandinavian nations as models?  Again, at least in the USA, most right leaning people scorn them as socialists!  This, in spite of their spectacular achievements in education, health care, gender equality, good governance, even ‘happiness index,” ought to tell us that the majority of world population are only interested  in themselves, driven by greed and self gratification!  Politicians, even the so called democratically elected ones, are corrupt and self-serving.  I could go on and on, but you know all this.

I salute you on your ideas, ability to present them in elegant language and the breadth of knowledge needed to put them on paper.  I am sure intellectuals and philosophers may read and comprehend them, nod assent, but these “Ivy-league types” are generally ignored, while the greedy MBA types are worshiped  by the masses in most countries.  Living in the era, I have become more cynical about the world.  I am sorry to tell you all this, but I will be dishonest if I just agreed with you.  I hope you still consider me a friend, albeit not one who will be always agreeable.

When I have more time, I will go through the details, although a brief look tells me it is beyond the comprehension of my limited abilities.

Dr. Indira Pillay                                                                                                                           (intellectual, physician)

Response:  I cannot talk or write.  It cannot, however, stop me from keeping up what I must do (after having worked over quarter of a century in the World Bank, among able colleagues, where working time never ended for us – from morning to dusk and to morning – where each of us did one’s own  bit – to make life more livable all.

Fortunately, I have received valuable inputs from a few of the best minds. In incorporating the suggestions, I have to work much harder perhaps for couple of weeks more.


Stanley (for P&B)


The greatness of the Bank in reaching out for the poorest of the poor first, while striving for the inclusiveness of all in its fold, made most of us continue our mission at the Bank indefinitely, after retirement.  Having reached the ragged edges of life at 82, support for work’s continuance (for me) has come from unexpected quarters.

Tom Burleigh (writer, actor, cartoonist) consented to head our council of advisers; Tom Jose (attorney at law, former additional prosecutor general, Kerala State) did the work on legal issues;  Arun (IT professional) comes to our rescue when computer support breaks down; without his help not much could have moved.

Moral support came from: Captain Kunjupalu (regional director, Indian Airlines, retired), Sohan Kurusinkal (former mayor Kochi (Cochin), Dr. K.M. Mathew (professor emeritus), ( all the aforemention have been involved in the shaping of the proposal); lifetime friends: ThomasPaul/Dr.Annamma, Varki/Thresiamma, Dr.Mathew/Jessinie, Anthony/Mariamma , Chacko/Annamma, Dennis/Milani  (Milda/Jack), Sarasu Nayar, Patty, Barbara, Rajan/Ethamma, Mary Palliserry(Beena/Captain); Augustine, Bill, Leo, Avon, Atcha, Lucrecia, Kumidini, Maria, Ben, Charlie, Gail, Barbara Lewes, Barbara Eschenbach, Barbara Mallis; Michae;l my own  thereinbrothers and  families: Lenn/Dr. Almira (Margaret/Michael, Meena/Ken, Roy);  Wilson (Revi/Anu), Raghu); sister’s children: Austin/Dr. Sherine (Beth), Anita, Alisa; cousins: Dolly, Roshan/Joanne; Benoy/Susan, Frieda/Ravi, Iona/Abraham, Percy/Celine, Premala/Roche, Sheila/Joe;  Leelamma, Ponnamma, Anita, Ponnamma Jose (sister-in-law, municipal chair, Pala, retired), my spouse Ponnamma (for her limitless caring and dedication to the cause in spite of the burden it imposed on her),  our children: Mary/Michael (Michael Jr, Marcus); Paul/Kathy (Barbara/Nick); Jennifer/Manoj (Kevin, Allison); Judy/Saji (Ryan, Aidan) – for their support, unconditionally so, but mostly silent – in all my pursuits; staff help: Usha, Arun, Regi.  I must thank (for acting for P&B)  Paul Panickaveeetil (son), the  Resident Representative, and Mary Bonds (daughter) the Secretary (both served, without compensation).

My apology for not listing the departed.  The closest to me are gone.  I am living, though I thought I couldn’t  have existed or wanted to exist without them. Perhaps, the wicked has no rest (permit me to atone for it). Good-bye.


Founding Member(at age 20 and above) : Invitation

To: Programming and Budgeting Corporation(P&B): Email:  P.O. Box 229, Kensington, MD 20895, USA


Title (Mr./Ms)

Name   First:                                        Middle:                                               Last:

Age:                     Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):


Number (House/ apartment or other):


Town:                                      State:                                       Postal Code:                Country:

Email:                                                  Telephone:

After careful consideration of your Proposal on Individual Sector (IS), within Universal Inheritance Services UIS), I hereby give my consent:

To be a Founding Member of the Universal Inheritance Services Organization (UIS).  It entails, I realize, assuming caretaker responsibility for one of the 100,000 units envisioned,* for a term of two years, in the formation phase of UIS, under the P&B umbrella. I shall relinquish my position at the end of the period when  an elected representative of the constituency (not ruling out myself, the incumbent) assumes office, provided the majority of the constituents live in the area specified, within given geographical coordinates, for its possible location therein, as an emerging permanent unit.  Note that I may, at any time, at my discretion, revoke this consent. Regardless, active or not, I am committed to a fully working democracy in our lives.

It is understood that the formative  units,  under caretaker jurisdiction,  have no set geographic coordinates (they may draw their membership from anywhere in the world)  Set criteria/boundaries to preclude duplication may come after two or more years, or even after a much longer period,  when UIS begins its function  as an  established organization, and exercise control over the requirements..  In expanding the membership of the unit, I may avail the electronic media, among other options, including Facebook and Twitter…

Paramount consideration shall be given in enacting the requirements of IS into the law, at all levels of government. In addition, our unit, though remain in existence only in the preparatory period of transition into an official unit, shall strive to set itself a model for other units to emulate, while concentrating the efforts to attend to individuals, in all facets of life (especially so to ameliorate the life and death struggle of the neediest of the needy).

It is service volunteered,  no compensation is expected.  But, when UIS has established itself as a financially viable entity,  salary is creditable, for the period of service, retroactively to my account. It is understood that the level of it would be the going rate, at the commencement of the payment.  Consistent to the belief of complete equality, within UIS, salary/pension paid for service rendered would be at the same rate for all staff members/retirees, regardless of the functions of  assignment.

Sincerely yours,

Signature:                                                                    Date:


* Numbers assigned to the units (initially by P&B) remain notional until geographic coordinates can be assigned to the units when UIS establishes itself as global entity. Caretaker units, however, can work independently of P&B, with full authority: for making the movement stronger, setting themselves up as models for creating similar units, expanding its own membership and activities, including the involvements in the political arena, government, technical services, education and, in socio-economic concerns (both at local and in the global spheres). These units, though only in the preparatory period of existence, in place of those that are to become the official units, actually lay the foundation of the Universal Inheritance Services Organization (UIS). P&B is to honor in gratitude the 1st unit that reaches 100,000-membership with an acknowledgement of Rs. 100,000 ($1,500). Similar recognitions at important milestones are to follow.